In the United Kingdom hundreds of thousands of accident claims are made every year and if you have had an accident of your own, then as long as it was no more than three years ago and you were not at fault, then you could be owed thousands of pounds. But where in the UK is there the most accident claims made?
Here’s city and region information:
London is the city with the most accident claims
With an estimated population of close to 9 million people (in 2015, the population hit an 8.6m record high), London is where the most accident claims are made every year. This is the most densely populated city in the United Kingdom and it is estimated that by 2050 the population of London will reach 11m (and that’s being conservative).
As a result, the number of accident claims will increase over the next few years in line with the population. However unlike other parts of the UK, road traffic accidents don’t account for most of the accidents due to the City of London’s congestion rules. Most accidents actually happen on bicycles and at work. The most common accidents in London are slips, trips and falls, with these accidents accounting for over a third of all accidents.
The North West of England is the region with the most accident claims
While the South East of England has a greater population than any other region in the United Kingdom, it is the North West of England that has the title of the most accident claims in any region. The estimated population of the North West of England is over 7 million and the region includes Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Mersey and Cheshire.
Road traffic accidents are the most common accidents in this region and the most common injuries sustained in road traffic accidents are whiplash and facial injuries. UK Claim Lawyers (find us here) process thousands of accident claims every year within this region and with its population set to increase over the next few years, more accident claims will follow.
Glasgow has the highest number of accident claims in Scotland
In Scotland, Glasgow has the most accident claims. The population of Glasgow is tiny in comparison to London, with around 600,000 people living there, however it runs London close in terms of accidents per person. The most common accidents in Glasgow are workplace accidents, especially in factories and manufacturing plants.
The second city in Scotland with a high number of accident claims is Aberdeen. With an estimated population of 220,000, Aberdeen sees a lot of road traffic accidents and minor accidents such as slips, trips and falls. Edinburgh despite its 400,000 plus population has relatively few accident claims in comparison to Glasgow and Aberdeen.