Where Does The Future Of Investment Lie?

Investment as a concept is something that is entirely down to the investor. It really does relate to the type of person the investor is and the amount of risk they are willing to take and the amount of money they are willing to place on the table. We live in a world that rewards risk takers and those who are the wealthiest are those who take the most calculated risks in business.

You don’t get anywhere in life without making tough decisions and that certainly applies to the world of investment. No matter what you invest in, it is paramount that you make the most of any opportunity you see to be potentially lucrative, whether it be in 10 years or ten weeks.

Investment is a hobby that knows no bounds and is potentially extremely lucrative.

The Internet

I honestly envisage the internet playing a major part in the future of investment in this country. The internet’s rise in recent years has been incredible and this meteoric rise really doesn’t look like slowing down anytime soon. We live in the internet age as I like to call it, we can access the internet on our phones, laptops, tablets, there are thousands of devices that provide high speed internet access and that speed and efficiency is the reason why investment in the internet will be important in the future.

I believe having access to something that can be done instantly is important and investment in internet ventures will rise dramatically in the years to come. The great thing about the internet is that it is free (basically) and the profit you can make online is incredible. Just take a look at the rise of Bitcoins in recent months.

Currencies online will soon be a market in itself and that must be looked into by both investors and investment advice companies. ACPI wealth is a practice area held within this relatively new company and that will certainly have to look into the prominence of the internet in years to come.


There is a lot of potential for expansion in Africa. The economy is relatively unexposed if you like and the potential for growth is vast. There is no doubt in my mind that Africa is going to have a major role in the world economy in the future.

The reserves of energy and gold are incredibly unique and still raw and for investors, getting a foot in the African door will not only be potentially very lucrative but good for the world in general.

Who Knows?

The fact of the matter is, nobody really truly knows. There could be a natural disaster that destroys half of a country and thus their economy, you really can never be sure of these things.

It involves a lot of risk taking and a lot of speculation but if you are willing and able to do that then the future can be very positive for those with the capital and willingness to take a risk.

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Carlos Sanchez is from and international background. He has been writing about the economy for some years now and it is his belief that Africa is the new emerging world economy.