Where Can I Find Reviews For Injury Claims Solicitors?

If you have been injured in an accident, you may be thinking about making a claim for compensation or at the very least you’re probably weighing up your options.

The good news is that you are now able to research law firms and solicitors BEFORE you contact them, and it’s all thanks to the internet. The internet is a place jam-packed full of reviews for all kinds of lawyers and law firms; here’s the three best places to start your search for reputable injury claims solicitors.


The best place to find reviews for injury claims solicitors is by using the search engines on the internet, of which Google is the best in terms of high quality search results. A general search for ‘injury solicitor reviews’ won’t return anything of value to you, however if you search for ‘law firm x + reviews’ or ‘solicitors name + reviews’ you’ll likely discover a wide range of forum posts such as on Net Mums, and you may also find that company/individual listed on a reviews aggregator, such as Trustpilot. Speaking of which.

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Not all injury claims solicitors will be listed on Trustpilot, however those that are have the advantage of being able to capitalise on positive reviews. Trustpilot is an online system that allows people to review and discover a wide range of businesses and organisations. For example, a quick search for ‘solicitor’ from the Trustpilot home page results in well over 100 search results. Trustpilot gives all companies listed a score out of five, with five being the best. If you use this system to check reviews, be sure to compare the whole industry.


The Solicitors Regulation Authority operates something called the ‘roll of solicitors’ – each solicitor in England and Wales must be registered on this to be able to practice law and advertise themselves as a lawyer, solicitor or barrister. You can use the SRA’s ‘find a solicitor’ function on their website to check the status of a solicitor and their record. It’s important to note however that a solicitor can still be genuine if they are not listed – the SRA can remove names if they are requested to. Before you go ahead with claims UK, make sure you ask your solicitor for their roll or SRA ID number to verify their legal credentials.

Important note about reviews: Not all reviews online will be genuine. There are companies out there that manipulate their own online reputations, and there are individuals out there who aim to ruin reputations. Always take unconfirmed reviews with a pinch of salt, and only really take notice of the reviews on Trustpilot (these are confirmed).