What Does Intelligence Depend On; Genetic or Environment Factors?

What Does Intelligence Depend On; Genetic or Environment Factors?

There is a long-standing argument as to whether the intelligence of human beings is dependent on either the genetic or environmental factors. Much study incorporates into the question topic with several theories being put forward to elaborate on each stand.

Intelligence is the measure of one’s ability to learn from experience and to adapt to selected environments. It remains measured through simple actions through conventional tests administered throughout an individual’s lifespan.

Different individual show varied Intelligence Quotient levels. As would typing service defer one from another.

Does intelligence depend on genetics?

All traits show a significant genetic influenceGenes are what make up who we are and are responsible for our characteristics. So do proper convert voice recording to text services differ. To estimate the personality that offspring acquires from parents’ and the variations that occur henceforth, scientists analyze heritability.

It remains argued about 75 % of IQ variances are as a result of the genetic makeup. Monozygotic twins have the same genotype. Studies on the correlation of their IQs have yielded results of about .88 if they occur raised together. When twins raised and grew apart, the relationship revolved around .75.

In dizygotic twins, with at least 50 % of similar genes, the correlation factor was .53 when raised together and .47 when raised apart. The study indicates that similarity in the genetic component among children, correlates directly to the IQs of the children with same genetic origins, compared to those who are not related. The later’s element was a meager .17.

In the research, Bell Curve of 1994, by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein, it states that studies on separated-twins, yield the best results to prove that intelligence could be hereditary. They further claim that the environment in which they grow up is of little effect to the children’s IQs. This claim results from the data by the (NLSY) National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

Does intelligence depend on the environment?

It remains argued that the environment in which individuals are brought up show a significant influence on the IQs of individuals. It ascertains the role that “nurture” plays in determining the IQs of individuals. Tests carried out show that the environment has a more significant influence on the IQ of an individual compared to the genetic makeup.

One such test is a test conducted on some Welsh children about sixty of them, aged 12-13. Half of them were a placebo and others a substantial vitamin, for eight months. The two groups showed a variation of eight points, with those on nutritional supplements scoring higher.

A more conclusive test was on the development of the fetus. The development of embryo correlates directly to intellectual development. The fetus develops in its environment in the womb. The fetus subjected to drug use and nutrition that is poor, by it mother shows a decreased level of intelligence.

Furthermore, a child living in areas with low economic status show lower IQs compared to children living in more stable financial situations. The results show that their environment has a direct impact on their IQs, with those living in better environments getting advantaged.


Intelligence is a complex trait that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Although there is an explicit relationship between each of the elements and intelligence, there cannot be a clear and precise distinction as to which factor influences knowledge.

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