Video Resumes; Some Great Tips And Advice

In the current recession and crisis much of the world is faced with, it has never been so important to get a job and make your fist step onto the career ladder. Many businesses are bombarded with hundreds of applications and resumes ever week and many of the resumes put forward are all the same and unmemorable. Some people have decided to innovate and apply for a position with video resumes. This could help you break through the clutter, be noticed and in turn be memorable. However,  video resumes need to be amazing and effective as if they are done badly, then it could prove to be more entertaining than a possible employer taking you seriously. In this interesting and informative article we look at some great video resumes and some tips on how to create a great one to get that job.

Video Resumes; Top Tips and Advice

Relevance and appropriateness

If you decide to enter the world of resume videos, then one of the best tips is to make sure that the video is relevant and appropriate for the position you are applying for. You need to determine if a video resume will be appropriate as a differentiating factor. Obviously there are the jobs such as; online, media, advertising, creative, social media or television that resume videos will be much appreciated and will get your foot in the door, obviously if it is a position for something more traditional, this really may not work.

Present yourself, do not simply just read your resume

The whole point of resume videos is to be different, memorable and to really show your possible employer your strengths and abilities. Make sure to give a sense of what you have already achieved and what you can still achieve. Communicate clearly exactly why you are the right person for the job and how you can contribute to their business and help them grow. Highlight your education, your skills and experience, especially if it is relevant to the position.

Make it short and to the point

Your possible employers are probably very busy and do not have the time sift through resumes and video applications alike. In great tips relating to video resumes, make sure your video is short and sweet and to the point. Communicate the point of your video clearly and make it towards the beginning of the video so that you catch their attention immediately.

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Jemma Scott has spent much time in a Sydney serviced office and now freelance writes about various business topics and tips.