The Pro Hair Care Guide for Men

More and more men are prioritizing their hair, and we’re here for it! Hair has long been associated with a boost in self-confidence and happiness, and a good head of hair has the power to make you feel on top of the world. 


With more barber shops popping up, men everywhere are doing what they can to improve their haircare game.  With lots of new hairstyles for men and those rocking short hair, you’ll need to do what you can to maintain you’re awesome hairdo. If this sounds like you, luckily there’s already a lot of research surrounding the dangers of certain haircare products and routines. If your hair care is a priority for you and you’re looking for ways to care for it, you’ve come to the right place. 

Use Quality Products

Improving your haircare game is no simple feat, and good hair begins with the products you use. Whatever your hair concerns are, you must use quality products to achieve your goals. Whether you’re looking to improve the thickness of your hair, enhance your curls, get better at styling, or reduce hair loss, it begins with a carefully curated hair product collection. 


If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of hair loss and stimulate your hair growth, look for hair loss products with topical finasteride and minoxidil. Those are the best ingredients to achieve this goal. If your goal is enhancing your beautiful curls, look for moisture-enhancing products. Whatever your haircare goal is, you need to ensure you’re using quality products to help you get there. 

Avoid Harmful Ingredients

Unfortunately, beauty products aren’t as thoroughly regulated by the government in the same way grocery store goods are. This means companies can get away with using or mislabeling potentially harmful ingredients like silicones and parabens. These ingredients can actually damage your hair and even lead to adverse health effects when used consistently. 


To avoid this, you’ll want to thoroughly read through the ingredients list of products you use on your hair. If you don’t recognize an ingredient, do your research and decide whether you feel comfortable using it on your hair. 

Don’t Wash Every Day

Did you know that washing your hair daily isn’t necessary and could do more harm than good? If you love your daily shampoo but also want to achieve your dream hair, then you’ll want to start skipping this step in your routine. 


Constantly washing your hair can strip your scalp of natural and necessary oils and can actually be making your scalp more oily. When you wash your hair every day, you send a signal to your scalp that it needs to produce more oil. This is why you may find that despite washing your hair every day, it still looks oily or unclean. If you have curly or textured hair, you’ll especially want to avoid daily shampooing because your hair type needs moisture to maintain those bouncy curls. 

Quit Towel Drying

Towel drying is another way you may unknowingly damage your hair. Because towels are often coarser and rougher than the texture of your hair, you could be damaging it as you quickly rub a towel around your head.


Rubbing a towel on your hair can irritate the cuticles on your scalp leaving them vulnerable to breakage and damage. If you hate the feeling of wet hair, opt for a microfiber towel or use a cotton t-shirt to help you dry some of the excess moisture. If you like to style your hair once dry, you can also use a blow dryer on a low heat setting to help you blow out some of the moisture. Just remember to use a heat-protecting spray on your hair to prevent any heat damage. 

Get Regular Trims

If you’re trying to grow out your hair, you may avoid haircuts like the plague. However, we recommend getting a trim every 4-6 weeks to remove damaged ends and keep your hair looking the way it should. Think about it, you see bushes and trees get the occasional haircut, and afterward, the greenery looks fresh and well-kept. This same logic applies to hair as well. 


Regular trims give you a fighting chance in maintaining the health of your hair. Regular trims can also help to keep your hairstyle manageable and looking neat. So don’t be afraid of getting that occasional trim, your hair will thank you for it. 

Keep It Natural

For some, hair care products like styling creams may be necessary. But if you have manageable hair that does what you want it to (consider yourself blessed!) then leaving your hair in its natural state is the best thing you can do to ensure it’s health. 


Avoid products you don’t need and consider skipping your 15-minute blow-dry. This will help you reduce the damage caused by styling and heat on your hair. If you can’t imagine skipping out on your favorite haircare products, ensure you pay close attention to their ingredients and stick with naturally derived products and ingredients. 

Avoid Tight Hats

Men love their hats and baseball caps. But if you’re looking to improve your haircare game, you’ll want to limit how much time they spend on your head. Frequently wearing tight-fitting caps can lead to traction alopecia, a hair condition resulting in the loss of hair caused by tight hats and ponytails. This hair loss can be temporary or even permanent so it’s important to keep your head and hair free of any strain. Loose-fitting caps that don’t pull at your hair are okay, but avoid any headwear that pulls at your hair. 

In Conclusion

Whether you’re new to the haircare game or you’ve been taking care of the hair on your head for a long time, there is always room for improvement. Consumers are doing what they can to curate a hair routine that works for them and that they feel good in. Now that you’ve learned a few important things like things to avoid doing, try to make some changes to improve your hair quality. With consistency, you’ll be on your way to achieving the hair you’ve always wanted.