It is pretty well known that Charleston has amazing architecture, pristine beaches, and top-notch golf courses. If you are currently looking at homes for sale in Charleston, there are some other charming attractions you should keep in mind while looking for your new home. Yes, there are great tennis courts, and historical battle ships to surround yourself with, but that only scratches the surface! Even if you live in this beautiful city, there is so much to see and do, it’ll make your head spin! The great thing about Charleston is that the weather is extremely mild; you can enjoy everything this city has to offer year round.
Charming Plantations and Gardens
Visit and tour the most stunning plantations and gardens you will ever see. You can immerse yourself in so much history, much of it dating Pre-Revolutionary War. If you visit Magnolia Plantation, you will be able to wander through the country’s oldest gardens, circa 1680. The flowers there bloom year round so no matter what time of the year you go, you won’t miss a single colorful bloom. When you visit Boone Hall Plantation, you will be greeted by one of the most spectacular entrances you will ever see, The Avenue of the Oaks. Boone Hall is America’s most photographed plantation, and with good reason. You will get to witness live presentations that you will not find on any of the other plantations.
Charleston Pirates
If you are like me, then Pirates are your thing. Is there really any other more fascinating way of life? I don’t think so. With that being said, make sure you take in the Charleston Pirate Tours. You’ll be led by the salty pirate storyteller, Eric Lavender, along with his trusty pirate. You will hear tales of Blackbeard and all the other Charleston pirates that will make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. The most interesting of the stories is Blackbeard’s siege of Charleston! You will hear tales of romance, buried treasure, and ghosts that guard the treasure that is buried within the heart of the historic district. It is beyond fun!
If you are sitting back trying to make the decision if you are going to make the move down south, keep in mind that homes for sale in Charleston are minutes, away from historic plantations beautiful orchards and year-around flowers, it will be like a vacation 24 hours a day, Seven days a week. Who doesn’t want that?
Mercedes Potter is a part of an elite team of writers who have contributed to hundreds of blogs and news sites. She loves to travel and in this post, details her accounts of Charleston, SC. Follow her @CedesPotter.
The History And Beauty Of Charleston’s Southern Charm Is Alive And Well