Honest truth? I’ll do a lot of unorthodox things to look younger and appear more beautiful, and why not? For ages, us girls have been putting some pretty strange things on our face and skin to gain an advantage in the beauty department. However, if you take a look at what some companies are using in their products you’ll probably want to read labels more carefully from now on. Here are some of the weirdest (and nastiest) things used in beauty products and services.
Whale Vomit
That’s right, who knew a seasick Moby Dick could make you smell so good. The material in whale vomit called Ambergris (Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambergris), has been used in many perfumes for its sweet and earthy scent. You won’t find it in most perfumes these days but it’s still considered quite valuable in some places of the world.
Pepper Spray
It’s not just for riots anymore. Some lipsticks contain capsicum (which is part of the formula that makes pepper spray) to give lips a warm sensation when applying lipstick. Nightstick not included.
Know someone about to give birth and would like to look younger? Score! This uterus lining that comes out during birth is said by some skincare companies to reduce wrinkles. Whether this is true or not, remains a mystery. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Cochineal Beetles
The next time you pick up that beetle red shade of lipstick, you might want to check the label to make sure there are no actual beetles in the ingredients, Cochineal Beetles to be exact. These little guys are soaked in hot water, pulverized and added to lipsticks and hair dyes for a crimson red color. Smack your lips on that.
Bird Poop
Believe it or not, Nightingale droppings were originally used in Japan to whiten skin. Now these bird droppings are used in super-expensive facials in salons worldwide for the Guanine, a natural enzyme that removes dead skin and is said to heal damaged skin. Other bird droppings are also used in similar facials for the uric acid, which is apparently very beneficial for skin. Of course, if you don’t have the money, you can always just go to the park and become friendly with the pigeons.
Old Cooking Oil
I wouldn’t smear a greasy burger on your face just yet but some scientists say that used cooking oil can help regenerate damaged skin. I’ll just have a diet soda please.
Snail Secretions
They may not win a race but they sure are handy in a skincare routine. The secretion of snails is used in many moisturizers and creams for its ability to heal scars, reduce stretch marks and keep blemishes at bay. It’s also believed to help fight skin disorders because it is a natural rejuvenator.
If you want to keep natural but play it safe, there are many all-natural beauty brands without the nasty ingredients.
This post was created by Latissecoupon.com, a website where you can purchase Latisse online without an Rx.
Strange Things In Our Cosmetics