When dealing with metals, most industries depend on metalworking machines. They are usually integral in shaping or cutting metals. Thanks to metalwork machines, many industries in Australia can boast of high production levels and precision. Examples of metalworking machinery for industrial use include grinders, lathes, milling machines and shears among others.
Much as metalworking machineries possess immense benefits, they are also dangerous. This is normally the case when workers handle them carelessly. Haphazard use of metalworking machinery for industrial use can result in calamitous injuries. All workers in Australian metalwork industries must follow certain safety precautions in their duties. Such precautions include:
• Protection of feet and hands
While using metalworking machines, there is the mandatory need to protect the feet and hands. This validates the need for a protective gear like gloves. However, gloves are not a necessity when handling equipment such as, grinders, milling machines or saws.
These machines can cause damage by nipping the glove and sucking the arms or fingers inside. Gloves are an absolute requirement when undertaking metalworking activities like welding. This is due to the intense temperature that emanates from this process.
• Protecting the ears and eyes
Metalworking machines can cause damage in the form of eye loss or ear damage. The solution to preventing the former case is to invest in wrap-around eye gears. They prevent small bits of metal from small metal chips.
With regards to ear protection, ear muffs or sound mats are essential. They protect the ears from the effects of metalworking-induced noise pollution. Ear muffs reduce the level of noise that reaches the ears. In contrast, sound mats absorb noise emanating from metalwork.
• Head and hair protection
Australian industries should discourage their employees from having flowing locks. This is in view of the danger of entangling their hair into movable metalworking machinery. Alternatively, they must invest in protective gear for the head. They include welder’s hats, driver hats and helmets. These accessories are able protection from flying metal debris or scalping due to entangled hair.
• Avoiding cloth or open shoes
Investing in leather boots or steel-toed shoes will go along way in avoiding foot-related injuries. This is in case heavy metalwork machinery falls on their feet. Certain types of shoes like cloth shoes, sandals or open shoes are a no-no within the factory setting. Not to be forgotten is the need to avoid long-sleeved shirts. Ties should not also feature anywhere within the industry.
The safe operation of metalworking machines generally involves wearing the right clothing. These safety precautions ensure that metalworking machineries do not become detrimental to workers.
For a wide choice of metalworking machinery including bandsaws, CNC lathe equipment and lots more, choose Ron Mack Machinery. Perth based with years of experience.
Safety Precautions For Using Metalwork Machinery