Putting The Sparkle Back Into Diamonds

As a romantic gesture you’ll have to go a long way to beat the diamond.  Saying it with flowers often means “sorry” but saying it with diamonds is the real deal.  Diamonds are well known for their strength and, in addition to the obvious use as jewellery, have found uses in both the surgical and industrial fields thanks to their hardness and sharpness.  However, caring for diamonds is important to help retain their flashing good looks.  A number of factors can affecting that sparkle, including natural oils in the skin, chemicals found in cosmetics and soaps and household domestic products.  Admittedly if you’re in the habit of doing the housework dripping in diamonds you probably can afford to replace them, but just in case, here are a few tips on diamond care!

Diamond Cleaning Methods

  • There is an excellent range of specialist diamond and jewellery cleaning fluids on the market and these can be sourced from well-known high street jewellers.  These products are specifically designed for diamond cleaning and are probably the recommended method.  Jewellers will be able to offer advice on specific products and this is important to ensure that you get the right cleaner, for both diamond and the metal it’s set in.
  • Household ammonia can be bought from most well-known pharmacies.  To clean diamonds you should mix this with cold water (half and half mixture).  Thirty minutes should be enough to clean the diamond and regain its “just out of the box” sparkle.  Use a very soft brush to gently clean away any grime.  Give it a final short soak in the mixture and then pat dry carefully and the rocks will be as good as new.
  • For a light clean, to freshen up diamond jewellery, use any household detergent.  A splash in lukewarm water and a gentle brush with a fine, soft brush will provide a quick, last minute, sprucing.  Natural oils in the skin are responsible for a slight dulling of the diamond and a regular light bath for your jewellery with a detergent will help to reduce the build-up of these oils.  This is a good way to get your diamonds ready quickly before an outing and they should be dried off lightly with a cloth.
  • When buying diamond rings check what options your jeweller offers on regular, professional cleaning services.  Especially when it comes to engagement rings many jewellers will offer a lifetime cleaning package.  This normally comes in the form of a free once a year professional clean, which is well worth the initial investment.

Health Checks
Diamonds are naturally hard and resistant to damage and much diamond jewellery is not exactly everyday wear.  However, engagement rings tend to be worn frequently, if not constantly, and these can be subject to more wear and tear than any other type of diamond jewellery.  It’s certainly worth getting them checked once or twice a year by a professional for signs of damage.  Although hardy, chips can occur if they are knocked.  Also remember that diamonds aren’t used in surgery or industry for their delicate qualities – if you store them with other jewellery that is less robust they can cause a lot of damage.  Stored together they are also likely to damage each other so it’s important to keep them separate to stop all that sibling rivalry.  Diamonds will last a lifetime and by taking good care of them you can ensure that they remain in perfect condition for many years to come and be in perfect condition for the next generation of brides in your family.
Diamonds are certainly forever but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking after them.  Many jewellers offer discount codes for long term check-ups on your most precious jewellery and this can be important to maintain the quality and looks of your diamond jewellery.