Starting your own business usually requires the creation of a detailed business plan, plenty of market research and extra work to build brand recognition when you get started. Buying into a franchise can eliminate all of this work. You will still need the right drive and characteristics to succeed as a franchisee. All franchise businesses… Continue reading 5 Characteristics Of Successful Franchisees
To Have Glasses Or Not To Have Glasses?
For many people, the idea of 3D makes them think immediately of the rather naff cardboard glasses which used to be given away with comic books and at the cinema in the 1980’s with the one red lens and one green. Sadly, not only were these often ineffective but there were also extremely uncomfortable and… Continue reading To Have Glasses Or Not To Have Glasses?
Surviving Rejection
There are few life experiences that are as painful as relationship rejection. It is so painful, in fact, that many people immediately start withdrawing from their partners at the first hint of possible rejection. This is because people make the mistake of allowing others to determine their self-worth. Think about it, if you truly feel… Continue reading Surviving Rejection
The 5 Keys To Successfully Marketing A New Product Online
Although there is no golden rule on how to successfully market a product online, there are some key things that you can do to improve your chances of success. Unfortunately, although it takes time, money and effort to successfully create and launch a new product, this effort is not always rewarded by a receptive marketplace.… Continue reading The 5 Keys To Successfully Marketing A New Product Online
Vacations And Growing Old
There are so many negative thoughts regarding growing old; from health issues, physical appearance, stress, menopause, mobility, retirement and of course loneliness. However when a person grows old, he can use time to his advantage. He may start a new hobby, engage in sports, spend time on home renovations and DIY but the best part… Continue reading Vacations And Growing Old
Cool Education Gadgets For Kids Under 10
Parents are always in search of new educational gadgets for their kids, especially during down time from school. Homeschooling parents seek these teaching aids all year! While there are a ton of educational tools out there, many are very expensive. Companies like LeapFrog manufacture wonderful teaching electronics, but not every person has the budget to… Continue reading Cool Education Gadgets For Kids Under 10
How Not To Manage A Crisis
A crisis is defined as a major unpredictable event that threatens to harm the reputation or the legal/financial status of an organisation or an individual ( The way the crisis is handled is determined by a number of key factors, including the response time, what is said, and what was done to prevent the crisis… Continue reading How Not To Manage A Crisis
Would Your Kitchen Pass A Health Inspection?
Statistics show that one in seven home kitchens would fail the kind of health inspection that restaurants have to pass. This is scary when you consider that nearly 80 million cases of food poisoning are reported every year in the US. Something like 80 percent of those illnesses are likely to have been caused by… Continue reading Would Your Kitchen Pass A Health Inspection?
Laser Tag And Birthday Parties: A Winning Combination
Birthday parties can be the typical and boring cake and eat-a-thon but you can liven up your birthday parties Orlando by doing something different. How can you make your birthday parties Orlando special? One unique concept you can try for your birthday party is laser tag. This sport adds some action and adventure to your mundane birthday parties.… Continue reading Laser Tag And Birthday Parties: A Winning Combination
What To Write – And Not To Write – In A Letter To A Soldier Overseas
If you’ve ever been away from home for an extended period of time, you know what it’s like to miss your friends, family, and normal home life. Soldiers in the military overseas are feeling the same way – multiplied by 100 (or more). Not only are soldiers homesick, they often feel lonely, afraid, or sad.… Continue reading What To Write – And Not To Write – In A Letter To A Soldier Overseas