Before You Take The Plunge

Scuba diving provides a great experience swimming under the water and watching creatures in their natural habitats, and diving also provides a great deal of exercise. Though it’s not the most popular sport, scuba diving is certainly enjoyed by many, and there are plenty of other people who are interested in enjoying the diving experience… Continue reading Before You Take The Plunge

Categorized as Travel

Volunteer Management

Just as they rely on the services on paid staff, many charities also rely heavily on the services and hours which are put in by teams of dedicated volunteers. Whilst it might be accepted that the volunteers are every bit as conscientious and passionate as their paid and employed counterparts, they do have to be… Continue reading Volunteer Management

Categorized as Education

Birdsong & Getting On: On Finding A Job When You’re Clinically Depressed.

Hi! My name’s Rebecca and I’m a manic depressive. It’s not exactly like the movies, because if it was, Sean Penn would be in bed staring at nothing all day, or Anne Hathaway would be sitting on her sofa in a fetid Cruella DeVille nightshirt she’d had since she was 10, watching her iPhone ring… Continue reading Birdsong & Getting On: On Finding A Job When You’re Clinically Depressed.

Categorized as Health

Benefits To Buying Online

How many times a day do you check your facebook, twitter or email – a lot? The internet is essential now to most people’s lives whether that’s socially or the workplace or both. £1 in every £10 spent in 2011 was on the internet, there is no denying that shopping online is big business. Do… Continue reading Benefits To Buying Online

Categorized as Lifestyle

Why You Should Get New Navteq Maps For Your GPS Before A Summer Driving Vacation

During the Summer months, millions of families decide to take a long driving vacation across North America and use their car a lot more regularly than they normally do. Preparation is key to a happy and stress free driving vacation, and nothing is more important than making sure your family is safe, secure, and arrives… Continue reading Why You Should Get New Navteq Maps For Your GPS Before A Summer Driving Vacation

Categorized as Travel

5 Office Trends For 2012

You might not be aware of it, but offices spaces are changing in more creative and interesting ways you could have imagined. No longer will employees be trapped in a one-cell cubicle with only a murmur of office voices. Employees are now encouraged to work in teams and make their ideas heard. Let us take… Continue reading 5 Office Trends For 2012

Categorized as Business