Social Media Management Tips For Real Estate Businesses

Whether you’re an experienced agent or just starting out, you can use social media to promote your business and connect with consumers online.  Online Open House  Prospective buyers want to know as much as they can about a listing before seeing it. Luckily, the Internet makes this easy. If you record video, you can upload… Continue reading Social Media Management Tips For Real Estate Businesses

Categorized as SEO

It Is Easy Being Green

Being green has never been more popular than it is now, nor has it ever been more cost effective. In the past people often thought going green often meant doing something extreme, like living in a cave or something, but the truth is there are some very simple things you can do to go green.… Continue reading It Is Easy Being Green

Categorized as Finance

Choosing Apps For Your Children

Increasing numbers of parents are giving their children electronic gifts, including cell phones and tablets. The good thing about this is that, when used correctly, electronics can help support development in children as well as skills in literacy, science, math, and other valuable life skills. Of course, these benefits depend largely upon parents choosing the… Continue reading Choosing Apps For Your Children

ETFE Foil: The Innovative Glass Alternative

The history of glass making can be traced back through thousands of years; however, designers and architects are now increasingly looking for sustainable alternatives. In the latter part of the 1900’s, ETFE foil emerged as the number one alternative to glass in buildings throughout the world. As we all move towards more sustainable living habits,… Continue reading ETFE Foil: The Innovative Glass Alternative