If there is one issue which is guaranteed to provoke controversy and debate among parents it is what clothing is suitable for children. Children have never had so much choice when it comes to clothing, and although the clothes may be worn by the kids, they will be bought by their parents. Parents are split… Continue reading Should Kids Be Dressed like Mini Adults?
Stressful Desk Job? Try These Tricks!
We’ve all been there and we’ve all nearly done it. Sitting on our hands so we don’t put our fist through the computer screen. Biting your tongue so hard your eyes water, to save you from verbally tearing a colleague to pieces. Some people just get up and leave the office for a few minutes;… Continue reading Stressful Desk Job? Try These Tricks!
Job Searching For The Mature Seeker
We’re always talking about the trials and tribulations of job searching in a tough market and under trying conditions. More often than not this is directed at high school or college graduates who are searching for their first real job. However, there are plenty of people out there who are reintroduced to this process after… Continue reading Job Searching For The Mature Seeker
Bridal Beauty
As a bride you want to look beautiful on your wedding day. It’s a day where everyone will be looking at you, taking photos and telling you they wished they looked as amazing as you. The key to being the perfect blushing bride is easy and there’s no need to spend a fortune, although many… Continue reading Bridal Beauty
Polo – Just For The Elite?
There are certain sports which a reputation for appealing to certain sectors of the population only. Synchronised swimming is exclusively female, darts players are stereotypically beer bellied and tattooed, and if you buy into the stereotypes, polo players are all incredibly rich and posh. But is this true? Getting into the Sport Part of the… Continue reading Polo – Just For The Elite?
Everest – The Ultimate Mountain Challenge
It’s almost 60 years since the world’s tallest mountain, Everest, was climbed for the first time by Sir Edmund Hillary. This amazing feat seems even more incredible when you consider the lack of modern mountaineering equipment and navigation tools which are available today. Since Hillary conquered the mountain there have been more than 5,000 other… Continue reading Everest – The Ultimate Mountain Challenge
4 Things That Should Not Miss From Your LinkedIn
With so many more people using LinkedIn as a way of finding jobs, finding recruits and connecting with like minded businesspeople, having a good, up to date profile is essential, and so is knowing what to have on it. Many people treat their LinkedIn profile as a second resume, thinking they can switch from one… Continue reading 4 Things That Should Not Miss From Your LinkedIn
3 Business Resources You Haven’t Used Yet
Operating a small business can be hard work, and sometimes soul destroying. Being at the head of the company, it is your job to keep that smile on your face all day long, even if inside you are tired, stressed and already thinking about your tax returns. Business owners often work long hours and can… Continue reading 3 Business Resources You Haven’t Used Yet
Five Tips For surviving A Student Flat Shar
Moving away from the comforts of a family home into a student flatshare can be daunting for undergraduates. Without parents on hand to co-ordinate cleaning schedules, prepare a tasty evening meal and take control of household finances, student flatshares can soon fall into disarray. To avoid the mounting dishes, as well as bills, follow these handy tips to… Continue reading Five Tips For surviving A Student Flat Shar
What To Consider When Buying A Home
What to Consider when Buying a Home If you’ve never purchased a home before, you’re in for quite a ride. The process itself can be very long and complex. In the end, it’s well worth it. While there’s no way to be completely prepared for the process, there are things that you can do to… Continue reading What To Consider When Buying A Home