The winning team athletes always turn to the camera and answer, “I’m going to Disneyworld”. However, if they actually visit they are bound for long lines where taking a ride may require more than 2 hours of wait time. The famous park is famously expensive as well. The lines and wait time are so time-consuming… Continue reading Disneyworld Is boring – 3 Alternatives To Take Your Kids
The Allure Of The Sagrada Familia
When you visit Barcelona, one of the iconic sights is the Sagrada Familia which towers above the city. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is an unmissable part of any trip to Barcelona. Part of the mystique lies in its long history. The Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, to give it its full… Continue reading The Allure Of The Sagrada Familia
How Do You Spend Your 4th Of July?
As Americans we take great pride in our 4th of July celebrations. Independence Day is a time for friends and family to gather and commemorate the crowning achievements and anniversary of this blessed country that we live in. Kids running around playing, adults lounging on the patio talking and laughing, playing with our pets, and… Continue reading How Do You Spend Your 4th Of July?
Digital Video Basics – Codecs Explained
Digital media has permeated everyday life for most of us – pictures, music, video are largely transported, viewed, stored and shared in a digital format. Older forms of media still exist of course. For instance, vinyl records are experiencing a renaissance. However, the dominance of digital is primarily because internet, computer and smartphone usage continues… Continue reading Digital Video Basics – Codecs Explained
Milan Fashion Week – 5 Trends In Menswear
After much guessing, the Milan Fashion Week is out with the trends in menswear. The clothes have new cuts, colors and ideas, some of which are really exciting. Here are 5 menswear trends that is sure to amaze and excite you – The Blue Trend – This is not the traditional blue but a… Continue reading Milan Fashion Week – 5 Trends In Menswear
Top Tips For Relieving Stress
Stress Stress and stress related health issues have never been more common than they are in modern society. They can cause people huge problems and can affect their lives and health on a daily basis. Unfortunately with no signs of life slowing down for many of us, learning how to deal with stress is imperative.… Continue reading Top Tips For Relieving Stress
Tips For Decorating A Bathroom On A Budget
Decorating a bathroom can be very expensive and time consuming; however it doesn’t have to be. I have a sure start plan to jazz up any bathroom on a budget! Choose a new shower curtainShower curtains are the new must have accessory for any bathroom. Many of the large department stores and design stores are selling… Continue reading Tips For Decorating A Bathroom On A Budget
Dealing With Painful Periods
Periods are those days in the month that every woman detests and fears, especially if she is one of those to suffer from painful periods. Whether you are on the beach or watching a play, the pain will ensure that you are not enjoying anything. Your focus is on the pain and the leaks. Given… Continue reading Dealing With Painful Periods
How To Sell Your House In The Current Economic Climate
At present the housing market is perceived to be gloomy at best with house prices predicted to stagnate throughout 2012 and increase by just over 15% over the next five years. With this in mind you may decide you want to sell your property now to clear your mortgage and downsize. However, the thought of… Continue reading How To Sell Your House In The Current Economic Climate
3 Ways To Live Frugally While Conquering Debt
It only takes a few questionable decisions to end up deeply in debt. If you are struggling like I was, you understand. I hated to pick up the telephone or open my mail. Every day brought a new financial challenge, a new creditor looking for money and a new load of guilt for my shoulders.… Continue reading 3 Ways To Live Frugally While Conquering Debt