How Do You Spend Your 4th Of July?

As Americans we take great pride in our 4th of July celebrations. Independence Day is a time for friends and family to gather and commemorate the crowning achievements and anniversary of this blessed country that we live in. Kids running around playing, adults lounging on the patio talking and laughing, playing with our pets, and… Continue reading How Do You Spend Your 4th Of July?

Categorized as Other

Digital Video Basics – Codecs Explained

Digital media has permeated everyday life for most of us – pictures, music, video are largely transported, viewed, stored and shared in a digital format. Older forms of media still exist of course. For instance, vinyl records are experiencing a renaissance. However, the dominance of digital is primarily because internet, computer and smartphone usage continues… Continue reading Digital Video Basics – Codecs Explained

Top Tips For Relieving Stress

Stress Stress and stress related health issues have never been more common than they are in modern society. They can cause people huge problems and can affect their lives and health on a daily basis. Unfortunately with no signs of life slowing down for many of us, learning how to deal with stress is imperative.… Continue reading Top Tips For Relieving Stress

Categorized as Lifestyle

Dealing With Painful Periods

Periods are those days in the month that every woman detests and fears, especially if she is one of those to suffer from painful periods. Whether you are on the beach or watching a play, the pain will ensure that you are not enjoying anything. Your focus is on the pain and the leaks. Given… Continue reading Dealing With Painful Periods

Categorized as Health