8 Ways To Create A Dysfunctional Website

Website functionality is a key part of driving traffic,  gaining and retaining clients, and earning good reviews from customers. However, many people still create user-unfriendly websites like it’s 1995, using sloppy layouts, broken links, and yes, clip art.  This article will take a look at all the tools you will need to build your own… Continue reading 8 Ways To Create A Dysfunctional Website

UK Payday Loans Companies Agree To Voluntary Guidelines

Payday loans are becoming an increasingly popular short-term solution to temporary financial difficulties. The industry has grown rapidly in recent years and, thanks to the introduction of new voluntary guidelines, borrowers can expect to see a series of improvements in the service they receive. The changes to existing codes of practice are the result of… Continue reading UK Payday Loans Companies Agree To Voluntary Guidelines

Categorized as Finance

The Seductive Properties Of Silver In Folklore

While adorning oneself in silver has elevated from trendy to classic in the past two decades, the mythical value of the precious metal roots farther back than Madonna’s obsession with crosses, circa 1989.  Because of silver’s shimmery white appearance, it has often been associated with purity, goodness and godliness across many world cultures over the… Continue reading The Seductive Properties Of Silver In Folklore

Asian Fashion Enters Europe

Asian fashion for men has always been different than what can be observed in Europe or in the USA. Sure it’s an international standard in negotiations or business, to have a suit or a tie but when it comes down to it Asian fashion is very different from European fashion. Take for example an Asian… Continue reading Asian Fashion Enters Europe

Categorized as Lifestyle