One of the most controversial commemorative coins has recently been issued in the United States of America. It has been issued to mark the death of Osama Bin Laden and is currently courted controversy left right and centre.
The so called ‘Justice coin’ is a commemorative, gold plated coin with a portion of the profits being set aside for the ‘Special Operations Warrior Foundation’ charity group.
This controversial coin has the motif ‘You and run but you cannot hide’ embossed into one side of the coin above a (dis?)tasteful image of the group responsible for bringing him to justice, the Seal Team 6.
The Seal Team 6 group were also responsible for not only killing Osama Bin Laden, but also three woman and men that were with him when he was discovered in his Pakistani stronghold. The group also killed woman and children whilst exacting their revenge on one of the most notorious terror leaders of our time.
The obverse of the coin has the motif; “Justice has been severed”, written underneath of an image of the New York twin towers, flight 93 and the Pentagon building.
This commemorative coin is currently retailing for $20 in the United States should you wish to purchase one.
The coin is the brain child of Greenberg Direct, a US coin minting company founded by Paul Greenberg. When contacted about the portion of money going to charity from each coin sale, Greenberg declined to comment as the time of going to press.
Many commentators have remarked that this commemorative coin marks a new low in our cultural decline with many suggesting that anyone considering purchasing one of these coins should also ask if they would be willing to throw in some authentic blood too for added realism, or maybe a lock of Osama Bin Laden’s hair too.
A so called ‘anti consumer magazine’ called Adbusters has also suggested that those intent of purchasing these coins should also ask whether or not they could include the fragmented bones of innocent civilians who were caught up in the effort to kill Osama Bin Laden.
What do you think? Harmless fun which contributes to charity? Or have Adbusters got it right and this is truly in bad taste? My feelings are that in a free country people are free to vote with their feet (and wallets), if people are truly opposed then no one would buy them and there would be no market for them in the first place.
Please let us know what you think in the comments section below as we would love to hear you opinions on the matter.
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