Natural Henna for Hair: Benefits of Using

Nowadays henna for hair is the most popular product for natural hair dye.


About the positive qualities of this substance is known from the time when the store shelves were not filled with hundreds of very different “chemical” brands. And, however, it is almost impossible to overestimate the value of henna. One has only to look at the luxurious braids of oriental beauties, who have long used Iranian powder, not only for painting, but also for the overall healing of the strands. Natural henna:

  • Helps to cure dandruff, as it is a natural antiseptic;
  • Colors strands, without changing their structure;
  • Gives saturated and resistant color;
  • Strengthens the hair follicle;
  • Smoothes hair scales, not allowing them to split and split;
  • Makes the hair shiny and smooth;
  • How is henna good for hair? It does not cause allergic reactions that women who are prone to irritation and redness will certainly appreciate;
  • Tannins contained in henna regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and improve the condition of the epidermis;
  • It has practically no contraindications, you can apply it even during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • There is also no age limit for using this tool;
  • Makes the hair denser;
  • Reduces strand breakage.

Keep your hair healthy and beautiful with natural 30 Min Henna by Jimy.