In your relationship there often comes a moment when you amicably decide that it is time for your first romantic break or weekend away as a couple. Whether it is indeed the first one together or if you have been away as a twosome previously, the key objective is to enjoy the time and to strengthen the bond and attraction you have, and there are some tips to help keep everything going swimmingly during and after your extended rendezvous.
Adding some direction
Of course a relationship, especially in the early throes, is driven by desire for the other person so suffice to say mapping out an itinerary does not necessarily fit into all of that. Establishing a plan for your romantic trip away together though can in many cases save confusion and upheaval. It should be said that if your relationship is new then it will not tend to involve a whole host of active days out during the break, but if you are further down the line then more structure may be needed. Make it clear to each other how it will go, if it will be a very relaxing holiday or if it will be based on sightseeing for example. Avoiding crossed wires is always beneficial so decide if the purpose of the break is for you to discuss the future, if you want to reignite the old flame, or if it is just a time to enjoy together in a private and secluded getaway.
Lower your expectations
It may not be the concept you immediately associate with a trip away together but you are in the relationship because of a shared affection so you do not necessarily need to go on the break expecting the most incredible and mind-blowing experience. The key can be to just relax your expectations and you may latterly find that it was so much better than you thought because of this approach.
Acting on impulse can be so exhilarating so if you feel like a break together will be worth it then trust your instincts and go ahead with booking it. Put the necessary arrangements in place to minimise disruption with work, your children or family and suchlike, and then focus totally on unwinding with the person you want to be with the most. You can find out so much about your partner in this situation and you just might find that you were even better matched than you initially thought.
Jenny Wilson writes here about how to keep the spark on your a short break for two, writing on behalf of Brookman
Keeping Your Relationship On Track During Breaks Together