Is The Water From Your Faucet Safe?

At one time or another, we’ve all heard horror stories about the water that comes from our tap. Some think that it hasn’t been filtered effectively and contains toxins or bacteria that cause disease.

If you live in a well populated area, it’s very unlikely that there is anything wrong with the water from your faucet. All water that services 25 people or more needs to be tested before it can be distributed to the public, so if you’re receiving water in a populated area, you can rest assured that it went through a screening process.
On the other hand, there are some areas that don’t have access to fresh water and may be receiving faucet water from wells or other water sources. This water is usually not regulated, and it’s possible it hasn’t been filtered.
If you want to know if the water from your faucet is safe, use these tips to help you learn if you can enjoy your tap water or if you need to start buying bottles.
One way to tell if your water is safe is to smell it. Clean and safe water should be odorless. If the faucet from your water smells like bleach, it has too much chlorine and is unsafe to drink. If it smells like rotten eggs, it has too much sulfur. If your water has any type of scent to it, it’s best not to drink it.
Clean water is clear. If your water is murky, has a tinted color or has flakes or particles floating in it, do not drink it. There are different reasons why your water could be colored or have floaters, and it’s best not to consume this water because it could have effects on your health.
Test Results
It’s also possible that your water could be harmful even if it doesn’t have a funky smell or color. Certain viruses and bacteria are also colorless and odorless, and you could be consuming these items without knowing it. The best way to learn if your water is safe is to have it tested. By law, your local government needs to test the drinking water being supplied to your home. The number for the testing facility is on your water bill, and you can call them and ask for a copy of the test results. This will show you what they find in your water.
If this doesn’t appease you, you can also ask for them to test your water directly. There may be a fee for this service, but some companies will do it free of charge. A representative from the testing agency will come to your home and test the water that comes directly out of your faucet, and you can get the results in about a week.
There are alsohometestingkits that you can purchase and run yourself. These kits are simple to use and will usually test for pesticides, lead, chlorine and other items that can be found in your water and cause health issues.
Make sure to check the scent and sight of your tap water and also have it tested. This is the only way to truly know if the water you’re drinking is safe.
If you find that your drinking water is not safe, you don’t have to go without water. You can always opt to purchase bottled water or use a water service like Culligan. You also have the option of installing a filtered faucet that will help remove any particles from your drinking water, or you can boil the faucet water to sterilize it on your own.
Prepared by Lizel Smith from Community Home Supply. view their faucet collection and learn about your options for conservation and style.