Human Resources :Its Role In Project Management

A business or “office” is like a family in that not only is a dynamic and evolving set of relationships but also , or as well – has both strengths and inherent weaknesses. A team environment definitely has advantages in that the whole can be better than the sum of its parts – with strengths in one area filling in or compensating for deficiencies in other areas. Yet its a wise idea of management to be aware of areas of concern so that these can be covered and compensated for in projects and negotiations. Still wise managers and management staff must take a coordinated and planned approach in such matters. To these points the following format and questions can be asked and answers applied

1) Missions Goals & Success Factors:
Missions and goals in an organization seldom stay static and the same. People places and things change over time. A prudent organization must appreciate this , be specific and as well move on with the times and events.

2) Examine Business Processes:
While its true every business in 2012 attempts to create business processes and systems its also a sad fact that the most laggard organizations have the most time to change , mold and fine tune systems. Yet its often the busiest and most productive companies that are just so busy that they are always in adapting and Hodge-podge modes. Its as if everything works yetis held together of old systems ( that all worked to a good degree) yet are merged and held together with little more than duct tape. If possible is there time and effort to set aside to examine and upgrade any pivotal systems at this point in time and space.

3 ) Define Individual & Specific Jobs & Roles:
While projects may be seen as one event its best to take the time to break down projects into more specific tasks and roles. As a corollary ask – who is assigned what , what are each person’s or department’s strengths and weaknesss. Ensure that there is a balance and most of the vital skills and traits are “covered” one way or another

4) Dividing up Work Units:
Next in line is that while specific jobs and tasks may be assigned above – it may not be to individuals but rather to groups or departments. The next step of steps ( if possible) is to bring this down a level to the “micromanage” and “micromanagement “ level and levels
5 )Management & Supervisory Staff & Roles:
While its true everything is about assigning tasks and getting things “done” – supervision , quality control and management while mundane is essential. Take care to set up this task or set of tasks as well
6) Summary of the Whole Command & Control Chain:
In the end it can be said that most projects , businesses and tasks involve three questions . These are firstly where do we want to go. Secondly how will we get there and lastly how will we know when we are finished , done or arrived. Business and matters of management are as simply put as that.
Lisa Portage
Portage’s expertise and experience as an employment hiring consultant is well known in the Canadian province of Manitoba and its environs.  Lisa points out to both employers out to hire as well as those shopping for employment and jobs in the City of Winnipeg is that the mesh or “chemistry” between the two are more than vital and essential when it comes to the hiring process and its successful fruition and culmination

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