How To Spend Your Summer To Get A Relaxing Autumn

We’re about to head into the summer holidays, the kids will be back, people are booking their time off, booking holidays and praying that the nice weather falls on the days they can enjoy it. But perhaps the worst part of the summer is when we get close to the end and suddenly realise how many things we have to do before the year starts up again properly.

Fortunately, with a bit of forward planning at the start you can get everything you need done quickly, so that when Autumn does roll around again your thoroughly prepared for it, while the rest of you summer can be spent properly recuperating.

Get Your House Done Up Early

Decorating is one of those jobs that we always plan to do during the summer, but which somehow keeps getting put off until the last minute. So if you want to do up your kitchen or give the living room a new paint job, get started straight away.

You can DIY it if you prefer, but for minimum stress you should try and get somebody in. Professional decorators know how to get the work you need done quickly and cleanly. You can find a great decorator in Hastings, Cornwall or wherever you happen to live.

Do Your Taxes

Yes, you know you should have done them back in April, but you’ve been busy! That’s fine! Well, this is the last opportunity you get your tax return done before the mad rush to Christmas and you do not want to be trying to finish your tax return in January, that’s just asking for a big heap of stress.

Get Your Back to School Kit Ready Before the Rush

If you’ve got kids, you’re going to need to get them well kitted out before they head back into school. Of course, the week before school every shop in your city is going to go nuts with equally panicked parents.

So, the trick is to beat the rush. Head out a week or so before everyone else, check out the school uniform suppliers in Sussex, Essex, or where you happen to be. Buy all your stationary and exercise books at the start of the holiday. These are good things not to have to worry about.

Remember to Relax

Despite the many, many things you need to get done over the holidays, remember that this is also your chance to relax. Read some books, go somewhere nice, and recharge your batteries. After all, you’ve got to take advantage of the good weather while it lasts!

Daniel Amberson is a blogger who covers interior design working with Martin Ray Decorating.