More people are spending longer periods of time on their computers. In some instances a person could spend up to eight hours on a computer for their job. This prolonged use can lead to wrist or hand pain. When working on a computer for a long period of time, it is best to support the wrist area as much as possible. Some of the pain people experienced while working on computers is due to the placement of the wrist. People often do not pay attention to how their wrist sits when using their computer.
When using a mouse to navigate the computer screen, the wrist placement is often right at the edge of the desk or table. This placement places pressure on the nerves inside the wrist, which can cause pain in the hand. The pressure placed on this area of the wrist can also cause nerve damage when left unattended. The first signs of a problem will be a tingling sensation in the fingers or palm of the hand using the mouse. When this tingling occurs it is a signal that the person needs to remove their hand and flex their fingers while rotating their wrist to increase blood flow to the area.
The act of typing on a keyboard can also cause some problems for computer users. The repeated movement of curved fingers typing on a keyboard can cause the bones in the hands and fingers to become stiff from use. This will also result in hand or wrist pain. If the pain persists for a long period of time the person should see a professional bone doctor. This doctor will usually take x-rays of the affected hand to determine the extent of the damage if there is any. A bone doctor usually works with orthopaedic surgeons who can perform surgery on the affected hand or fingers to correct the problem. The surgery will alleviate the pain, but the person will need to take steps to prevent the damage from coming back.
There are several options available to help alleviate the stress placed on the wrist and hands of people who use computers. One option is to purchase an ergonomically designed keyboard. This item has a curved shape which places the keys in a more natural position for typing. This will help relieve the stiffness and strain placed on the fingers and joints when typing on a computer for long periods of time.
Another helpful item is a padded cushion. This cushion should be placed on the side of the computer where the mouse is located. The cushion could be one or two inches thick, which is enough to raise the arm off the edge of the table or desk so the nerves inside the wrist are not pressed against it. These cushions can significantly decrease the amount of wrist pain experienced by computer users. It is also beneficial to raise the hands from the keyboard periodically, and rotate the wrists and flex the fingers to increase the circulation.
Matthew writes on subjects of orthopeadic and bone conditions such as wrist pain and knee joint pain. For more in-depth information, he recommends seeing your personal bone specialist.
How To Relieve Wrist And Hand Pain From Too Much Computing