How To Get More Facebook Fans Today

Despite what some people may say or think, Facebook is a goldmine for anybody looking to sell anything. However you need to know exactly what you have to do. For instance to end up marketing effectively you must totally engage your fan base and get them to be real fans. But naturally before you even get there, you need to get the fan base in the first place.
Here are very many hot tips that will help you to quickly build your fan page.
Take the time to design an attractive fan page
The feeling you get visiting many Facebook pages that aren’t doing that well is that they were too hastily put together without too much work or effort going into them. Obviously the idea was to start attracting as many fans as quickly as possible. This is the most common mistake people make. Attracting fans is seduction and in seduction the first impression counts like crazy and so you need to go out of your way to knock them out with your looks.
Relevant, relevant
You must stay on topic. Give your fans what they want. It’s like going to a concert hosted by your favorite artiste and they end up performing songs by somebody else all evening. It is a total let down. To quickly get more Facebook fans they will need to like you and to get to like you, you must give them exactly what they want and are looking for.
Send them a private message
This is something you need to be careful never to overdo. Send all your friends a private message suggesting your page and also asking them to tell their friends about it if they end up liking it. Simple but it works. And yet most people go out there looking for magical ideas without first starting with the very basics of inviting the friends they already have.
Use other platforms
Do you have people that follow you on other social networks? Invite them to your page. You can also post articles in high traffic article directories and do guest posts touching on fascinating stuff linked to your page and at the end in the resource box do invite them to visit your Facebook page. The advantage here is that these posts stay on the web forever and people keep on stumbling on them and reading them. Just make sure that that you are consistent about putting out the message and the numbers will cocnistently flow in your direction. That is exactly how to get more Facebook fans today, tomorrow and for a long time to come.
Paid ad is NOT a dirty word
Paid ads on Facebook are pretty effective. Although it may seem like you are buying Facebook fans, it is a very good way to grow your following. Why not use them to quickly grow your fan base? You will be shocked at how a small ad can generate such huge traffic to your page. The inevitable result will be a rapid growth of your Facebook fans.
Companies use contests and so can you
A contest is not that difficult to organize and has been very effective in helping various companies grow their fan base quickly. Just make sure that it is relevant, lots of fun and will interest the kind of people you are targeting. Don’t forget to use the strengths of this popular social site where you can. For instance people ordinarily love to post photos on Facebook which their friends can then comment on. Maybe you could get them to post photos of themselves using your product or service and the one that gets the most comments wins. Just an idea that you can use to come up with your own that should be even better.
Keep thinking up new ideas to grow your fan base
In reading this article you are obviously thinking seriously about how to increase your fan base. Don’t stop! Especially after you start getting a little success just stay on it and within a few months you are bound to be utterly amazed at what you will have achieved.

The blog author is a social meda marketing guru.  He has lots of experience and success advertising on Facebook.