There are thousands of spam companies which offers you an online jobs, online data entry jobs. These companies sell ads behalf online jobs or data entry jobs. Never believe in and fall in that kind trap. As we are seeing that many popular banks are not responsible to take money in the name of DD applying for jobs, money transfer. These online jobs companies don’t have office or registered address depending.
Those companies are making business of those people who searches for job. There are more than 1 billion job searches per day worldwide. This became the positive one for the spam companies to use in the name of innocence of people and tracking money from them. Nobody cares what’s up to.
Many investors easily developing a site regard of online data entry jobs which makes lot of money. Job searching people became the major point of for those investors. There are more than 70% of spam companies who offers job in the name of “ONLINE JOBS WITHOUT INVESTMENT”. There are more than 12million complaints across the web on the spam companies.
Believe it or not only in India there are 26,000 call centre offices they directly take money from job seekers and give job in the name of bond or consultancy.
How to beware of those companies? And find good one?
When you are Appling for online job never commit and pay money without proper information from them. You ask for their company address also meet the person. That company are mostly talented to flatter you, never fall in that net they attract you for the job and give you noting.
If you are suppose to pay an written exam fee for the company which you are applying just ignore it and go further, a genuine company never ask for written exam fee, aptitude exam fee or any other kind of fee, you can just think that the company may be spam.
Some companies provide captcha jobs which may found legally in some companies. These companies always ask for investment before going further.
Job seekers also pay for some popular sites to have a good job.
There is only one way to get good job and good company. You struggle for good percentage in your time of education; the job runs forward to you. If also you have the good percentage you may not get the proper job, you need to have a vocabulary and talent in exams where you are applying for a job.
Never think that you are not eligible for that job keep trying some day you will be the one to do it.
There are many top companies which offers you a good job but the needs of them is a good talent from the job seeker, a normal studying person can also acquire a great company with the talent on that subject. Believe in your talent but not on the spam companies which won’t make noting but money loss