Get A Green Card Through Employment Application

Get A Green Card Through Employment Application

A green card, officially called  as “United States Lawful Permanent Residency,” which is authorizes an individual to live and work in the United States permanently. you could become permanent residents through a job or offer of employment. Some categories require a certification from the U.S. Department of Labor. In other cases, highly skilled workers, those with extraordinary ability in certain professions, and investors.

Individuals looking for a green card through employment can apply from their home country once they are assigned an immigrant visa number, which is organized based on the following preferences:

  • First Preference: Individuals with special abilities, distinguished academics, professors, and researchers, and international executives
  • Second Preference: Professionals with an advanced degree or workers with exceptional talent
  • Third Preference: Skilled workers and professionals
  • Fourth Preference: Individuals under special circumstances, and certain religious workers
  • Fifth Preference: Immigrant investors, who must invest between $500,000-$1,000,000 in a venture that creates at least ten new jobs for U.S. citizens or other lawful permanent residents and immigrants.

Getting a green card through employment is a multi-step process. The beneficiary has to establish eligibility for the green card. The employer has to sponsor the eligible employee. But before an employer can file a petition they need to follow certain procedures. Initially, they need to advertise the position and make sure that there aren’t any U.S. persons willing and qualified to take up this job. Once this is established, they will have to apply for Labor Certification with the Department of Labor (DOL). The DOL will confirm that there are no qualified U.S. workers willing or able to take up this position. employer is able to pay the wages this position entitles; and giving this job to a foreign worker, Once the employer has an approved Labor Certification application, they will have to file Form I-140, Petition for Alien Worker with the USCIS. If USCIS approves this application, the beneficiary will have to apply to adjust status to permanent resident if he/she is already in the U.S. If the employee is outside the U.S., he/she will have to apply for an immigration visa at a U.S. Consulate abroad. When this application is approved, the beneficiary is issued a green card

How to Get a Green Card

There are four basic employment-related ways to obtain a green card, including:

  • Green Card through a job offer: An  individual can apply for a green card after receiving a formal offer to work in the United States.
  • Green Card through investment: An individual establishes a business venture that creates new jobs in the U.S.
  • Green Card through self-petition: Distinguished individuals with exceptional abilities, or specific individuals who are granted a National Interest Waiver, can file a green card for themselves.
  • Special Category Green Card: This category include workers in the established special immigrant categories, such as broadcasters, international employees, and religious workers.

Green Card Application Process

  • Although the application process differs based on the method in which one seeks to obtain a green card, generally an I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, must be submitted.
  • Once the petition is approved individuals can apply for a green card through Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.