Content Strategy: A New Approach To Lead Generation For 2015

Content Strategy: A New Approach To Lead Generation For 2015

The techniques of lead generation have changed in the last few years. Along with internet access, it is the dependence on online research to get knowledge for purchase making decisions. Previously, in any field, there was a bit of leeway to “strong arm” the buyer with data, to influence his decision. However, with both statistics and opinions available online, buyers can today do most of the homework, even before talking to a seller.

Therefore, the ‘information as leverage’ approach is slowly receding in areas where online content about a purchase decision is easily available. What buyers care about most when they talk to sellers is the price. Clearly, the internet is the new marketplace, and the salespeople are simply providers of the best costing, a trend that is only going to get more pronounced. This means that leads need to be generated much before a buyer reaches you. And the best way to do that in 2015 is to create targeted content. Reputed digital agencies like are known for its contemporary approach to a content strategy that facilitates online lead generation.

This is not “brand content” in the traditional sense, which may focus on direct product endorsement. Buyers can see through the advertising, and they do not like it. That doesn’t meant they won’t tolerate it – they even expect it. However, you need to build a case for them to trust you, and generate consistent interest in what you have to tell them.

An Insight About Buyer Behavior – it is not a Linear Path

There’s no straight line between a buyer’s intent to buy something, his research, and his final purchase. It can often be a maze of sudden last minute decision changes, based on new information and opinion changes.

On the internet, this translates to many unique Google searches for different keywords, with different intent. From searching about prices (current price, anticipated price drops, and browsing prices in different regions and on different websites), to comparisons, there’s a lot that a lead generation content strategy needs to account for. At every step of this journey, the seller must provide content, successfully,

But there are three core areas a seller’s lead generation strategy needs to respond to.


This stage is about capturing the buyer’s interest at a stage when he’s trying to learn more about the product. He may simply be looking for how to resolve a problem (your product serving as the solution), or considering investing in your product. At this moment, he’s trying to get information about different solutions, brands, and approaches. This means he’s going to look everywhere – from videos and web pages, to eBooks and research reports and media coverage.


After identifying what he’s looking for, the buyer is now hunting for various product options.


After considering different product, he’s now looking to make a final product decision. At this stage, he’s going through product endorsements, case studies, trials, demos, product analysis.

Clearly, these three stages offer ample opportunity to create content that brings a potential back to you, once you provide reliable, trustworthy content. For their successful web marketing services and premium content offerings, Sydney sellers have established trust in Think Big Online.