Legal Battles Over The Internet And Why They’re Misguided

It wasn’t long ago that protests over SOPA and PIPA shut down some of the most important sites on the Internet. While this was – sometimes with a bit of amusement on the part of writers– described as the first time Internet users made it apparent that they control the Internet as opposed to the… Continue reading Legal Battles Over The Internet And Why They’re Misguided

5 Ways To Keep Your Desk Dwelling Brain Stimulated

Do you ever find yourself struggling at work, looking blankly at a seemingly vacant computer screen having done no work whatsoever? It’s a fact that all jobs come attached with some kind of boredom which results in you striking up a game of online tic-tac-toe with someone half way across the world in China. Keeping… Continue reading 5 Ways To Keep Your Desk Dwelling Brain Stimulated

Single- and Multiple-Platform Event Log Correlation

A security plan that consolidates data from multiple sources is essential to preventing security breaches. If your company runs one or more operating systems or uses different hardware platforms, using a security plan that monitors the primary technology in use offers a broader picture of the network. Event log correlation collects data from various devices… Continue reading Single- and Multiple-Platform Event Log Correlation

Top 4 iPhone Apps For Internal Medicine Physicians And Residents

A simple glance into the medical app category available at the app store would result in thousands of apps; however, just a few of them are really useful to people focused on the healthcare niche. Moreover, it’s hard to come across really useful apps; because, people upload every possible app they create whether or not… Continue reading Top 4 iPhone Apps For Internal Medicine Physicians And Residents