In Appreciation Of: The Pylon Appreciation Society

People appreciate some strange and apparently mundane things. You may have heard of the ‘cloud appreciation society’, and while it sounds a slightly unusual group to join, it’s perfectly understandable. Clouds are beautiful, and anyone who has looked up at the sky is bound to have appreciated the form of one at some point. But… Continue reading In Appreciation Of: The Pylon Appreciation Society

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Ways To Save Money On Music

When CDs hit the shops for the first time, it sounded the death knell for audio tapes and vinyl. One or two purists still believe that there’s nothing quite like the sound quality of vinyl, but for ease of use, clarity of sound and sheer portability, CDs win hands down.   Nevertheless, the rise and… Continue reading Ways To Save Money On Music

Categorized as Lifestyle

Dress Up Disney This Halloween

Once a year we see a small cadre of Mickeys, Minnies, Goofys, Plutos and Donalds overtaking our streets and sidewalks, all with the single-minded goal of liberating tasty treats out of our cupboards. Yes, Halloween is the time when the wee ones get adorned in their favorite Disney character’s attire and walk the streets in… Continue reading Dress Up Disney This Halloween

Categorized as Lifestyle