Avoid High Cost Of Dental Repair – Early Protection For Later Prevention!

If you don’t have dental insurance, you might take note of the cost for some of the more intense dental procedures that adults can face later in life. It’s like everything else in this world, prices go up as technology reinvents. Unfortunately, it’s not just adults who might be facing these procedures and bills, but… Continue reading Avoid High Cost Of Dental Repair – Early Protection For Later Prevention!

Categorized as Health

Recent Discovery Brings Researchers Closer To A Cure For Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease dramatically affects the lives of millions of Americans everyday. Approximately 5.4 million people live with Alzheimer’s in the United States, and one out of every eight senior Americans suffers from the disease, according to statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association. The disease ranks as the sixth most common cause of death in the U.S.,… Continue reading Recent Discovery Brings Researchers Closer To A Cure For Alzheimer’s

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Seven Common Hangover Myths

It doesn’t take much to turn a night out for a few drinks into a morning of suffering from a hangover. Since nearly everyone over the legal drinking age has experienced at least one hangover during their life, a lot of misinformation gets passed around about what can cause and cure a hangover. Separating hangover… Continue reading Seven Common Hangover Myths

Categorized as Health

Best Eye Care Tips

Our eyes, being one of the most important parts of our body, allow us to see the world around us and appreciate it better. The problem is that many of us fail to properly maintain its health. Most the time, the damages that our eyes acquire through years of improper care are irreversible. We might… Continue reading Best Eye Care Tips

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No Pain, No Gain? 5 Tips For Pain Free Exercise

Anyone who has lived through high school P.E. has heard a coach yell, “Stop dogging it! No pain! No gain!” Why do those two word have to rhyme? Today exercise physiologists line up against that old adage. People can experience significant gains without experiencing significant pains. Further, continued “pain and suffering” is one of the… Continue reading No Pain, No Gain? 5 Tips For Pain Free Exercise

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Being forgetful is something that most people claim they have but there other people who have more severe cases than we do. Because even though they try their best, they still can’t remember certain things that happened. The brain is a complicated organ and studies of it have shown that there is a possibility that… Continue reading I…forgot…

Categorized as Health

10 Causes Of Eye Twitching

Eye twitching can be a pretty common condition among many people. This usually involves the bottom lid although there are instances when the upper eyelid can also twitch. They usually come and go and can last from days to months. Most of them are not exactly serious and could be a sign of a medical… Continue reading 10 Causes Of Eye Twitching

Categorized as Health

Health Insurance: Pros And Cons

While politicians work to create a system of fair health insurance coverage for all Americans, as it is now, there are advantages and disadvantages to the insurance options we have currently. It is important to know what they are and how to fix them. Advantages Preventative Medicine: Without question, the biggest advantage of having health… Continue reading Health Insurance: Pros And Cons

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