5 Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer

There are thousands of people who are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. Unfortunately, there are a large majority of people who could have prevented this from happening. While some people will develop this cancer because of genetics, other people develop it because they don’t play it safe. There are some simple things that can… Continue reading 5 Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer

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The Botulinum Toxin Aids In Beauty

The Botulinum toxin Clostridium botulinum is a type of bacteria that produces the botulinum toxin. It is a potent neurotoxin that is commonly known as Botox in the field of cosmetics. Through the development of technology, researchers are now able to extract this toxin from the bacteria. Different ways of purifying the substance has also… Continue reading The Botulinum Toxin Aids In Beauty

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The Male Menopause

Men are created to be more masculine than that of the females because they produce more male sexual hormone called the testosterone. This hormone is responsible for the development of the male reproductive organ. It is also responsible for some of the secondary sexual characteristics such as the occurrence of body hair, more muscular body… Continue reading The Male Menopause

Categorized as Health

Diagnosing Hair Loss In Women

Although hair loss is usually associated with men, it is a very real problem for millions of women.  The causes can be anything from heredity to medical conditions.  It can start early, in the teens but usually presents itself when a woman is in her 50s and 60s.  What causes hair loss and what are… Continue reading Diagnosing Hair Loss In Women

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Preventive Dry Mouth Tips

Xerostomia is the condition of lacking a sufficient amount of saliva to keep the mouth wet. This condition is also known as dry mouth. Having a mouth that feels dry can occur in anyone during times of great stress or nervousness, but if it is persistent it may be a serious condition. Xerostomia can cause… Continue reading Preventive Dry Mouth Tips

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