Many people believe that the only way to eat healthy, is to be rich and spend lots of money on your food. Though this can help, it is not the only way. Here are four simple steps that will leave you well on your way. cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Nina… Continue reading Eating Right On A Budget: 4 Steps To A Healthy Diet
Category: Health
Injection To Cure Double Chins In The Works
The double chin is a commonly suffered affliction in individuals who are overweight or obese. Even when weight loss is successful, the double chin tends to remain. The double chin can also be a natural feature on an individual that has never had any issue with their weight. Many medical professionals have reported clients eager… Continue reading Injection To Cure Double Chins In The Works
Best Practices Of Social Media Usage In Healthcare
We have all done it. A pain here, a headache there – you tap your symptoms into google and within seconds are convinced that you have a rare type of brain tumor. You race to your doctor’s office in blind panic only to be told… you have a headache. It is easy to make a… Continue reading Best Practices Of Social Media Usage In Healthcare
How To Get Over A Break Up And Find The Real One
Falling in love can be exciting and euphoric. But the excitement at the beginning of a new relationship can fade pretty fast. Its called the honeymoon stage because it isn’t suppose to last forever. If you are going through a break up or divorce the pain can be tortuous. Learning how to be single after… Continue reading How To Get Over A Break Up And Find The Real One
Ouch, My Tooth Hurts
An aching tooth is not a great feeling to anyone. Kids and adults alike cannot bear eating when they have an aching tooth. They can’t even be active and go through the daily activities when their tooth hurts. Sometimes the pain is radiating that it even reaches your head. Some people may become very irritable… Continue reading Ouch, My Tooth Hurts
In The Blood: The Genetic Basis For ADHD
These days, it’s hard to remember that ADHD was once an ill-defined, poorly-understood construct that many parents and even doctors believed to have little basis in medical fact. Today, ADHD is one of the most widely-studied and heavily-diagnosed behavioral disorders in existence, but there remains considerable disagreement as to its root causes. One theory that… Continue reading In The Blood: The Genetic Basis For ADHD
3 Pitfalls Of Low Carb Dieting
There are certainly a large number of fad diets out there, but the low carb diet is amongst the most popular of the group. This diet promises rapid results by simply limiting or restricting carbohydrates while encouraging the intake of proteins and fats. In addition to weight loss, some argue that this diet has many… Continue reading 3 Pitfalls Of Low Carb Dieting
The Bloody Story
What is blood? When people hear about blood, some of us can’t help but to shiver. Some of us cannot bear the site of the red fluid oozing from a body. But blood may not be as red as we imagined it to be. Whenever we go for blood tests we see that the tubes… Continue reading The Bloody Story
The Lead In Your Lipstick
Most women joke about the price of beauty. The painful shoes, plucking, waxing, and the cost in dollars for the piles of beauty products we consume each year. However, we must also consider the cost to our health. There are no laws governing the production and safety standards of beauty products so consumers need to… Continue reading The Lead In Your Lipstick
Casts And Broken Bones
Some of the teens today think that having a cast is cool. It may mean that you are adventurous that is why you have a cast on your arm or leg. But having a cast on any part of your body is not that easy. When the doctors decide to give you a cast it… Continue reading Casts And Broken Bones