Honest truth? I’ll do a lot of unorthodox things to look younger and appear more beautiful, and why not? For ages, us girls have been putting some pretty strange things on our face and skin to gain an advantage in the beauty department. However, if you take a look at what some companies are using… Continue reading Strange Things In Our Cosmetics
Category: Health
How Relaxation Provides Physiological And Psychological Benefits
In an environment now more conducive to stress than ever relaxation is consequently more crucial than it’s ever been. Anxiety and worry can arise from numerous situations and circumstances including personal, financial and relationship troubles. As focus is taken away from what would have comprised a stressful situation a hundred years ago, now the recession,… Continue reading How Relaxation Provides Physiological And Psychological Benefits
Modern Steam Baths And Saunas- More Than A Normal Bathing Experience!
Among the different types of bath equipment available, steam showers, steam baths, Turski Hamma and Russian Banya remains very popular. Most people confuse steam baths with saunas. However they differ in the fact that a steam bath is dependent on both steam and heat while a sauna depends on heat only for sweat inducement. Both… Continue reading Modern Steam Baths And Saunas- More Than A Normal Bathing Experience!
Caring For Dementia Sufferers
Dementia affects over 820,000 people in the UK and some experts believe it may affect anything between 30 and 50 per cent of people over the age of 85. Caring for a dementia sufferer requires patience on both sides and many carers are relatives or family members. The difficulties faced by those caring for a… Continue reading Caring For Dementia Sufferers
What Are Home Treatments And Care For Pink Eye?
Pink eye, otherwise known as conjunctivitis, is a relatively common infection of the conjunctiva. Although it is not exactly harmful and goes away in a matter of days without treatment, pink eye is highly contagious and very uncomfortable. It generally affects only one eye but it can spread to another if rules of hygiene and… Continue reading What Are Home Treatments And Care For Pink Eye?
How To Avoid Getting Dry Eyes From The Computer?
If you are like most people who spend so much time in front of the computer screen, you might have experienced your eyes drying out while working. And although this is not exactly as grave as some other conditions are, its symptoms can get pretty uncomfortable. It’s a good thing that this problem is also… Continue reading How To Avoid Getting Dry Eyes From The Computer?
Omega-3s For ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, starts in childhood and can last into adulthood. This neurodevelopmental disorder is characterized by inability to pay attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. Some people may exhibit primarily one of these symptoms while others may show a mix of all three. Treatments typically include medication and behavior therapy but may… Continue reading Omega-3s For ADHD?
The Benefits Of Tai Chi For Elderly People
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that stems back to around 1460 A.D. and has many medically proven benefits, especially in the aging population. As we age and our bodies become less tolerant to physical exercise, it is important that we find a physical outlet to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Thai… Continue reading The Benefits Of Tai Chi For Elderly People
Treadmills vs. Elliptical Machines
Whether exercising at home or in a gym, there are many exercise machines for fitness enthusiasts to choose from. An elliptical machine and a treadmill both offer a great aerobic workout, but there are a few important differences between these machines. Variation Treadmills allow people to do a number of different workouts with the same… Continue reading Treadmills vs. Elliptical Machines
Bee Pollen And The Safety Of Your Child
There are those who say that giving bee pollen to children is irresponsible and should be avoided at all costs. Their concern is understandable, for severe allergic reactions to bee pollen have been recorded, but is their fear justified? Is it safe to give your child bee pollen as a nutritional supplement? Is using bee… Continue reading Bee Pollen And The Safety Of Your Child