Commemorative Coins Highlight Conservation & Co-operation

Commemorative coins are issued by countries around the world to mark significant national events, be they cultural, historical or political. While some may be issued as limited-edition “circulating commemoratives”, which can be used alongside regular currency, other commemorative coins are known as Non-Circulating Legal Tender (NCLT) and designed for use as souvenirs or collectors’ items… Continue reading Commemorative Coins Highlight Conservation & Co-operation

Categorized as Green

Top Ten Tips For Reducing Waste And Saving Energy In Your Business

Top Ten Tips for Reducing Waste and Saving Energy in Your Business With the high cost of living today, many businesses are looking for ways to cut down on waste and reduce energy bills. Huge business electricity prices can cause havoc on the budget making it increasingly difficult to succeed. Here are the top ten… Continue reading Top Ten Tips For Reducing Waste And Saving Energy In Your Business

Categorized as Green

Careers In Offshore Wind Power

Careers in Offshore Wind Power In recent years the UK’s renewable energy sector has been growing rapidly. In what has been dubbed ‘the windrush’, the need to develop green, renewable energy is providing many varied opportunities for careers in the high tech industry of offshore wind. Do I need qualifications? Not necessarily. Careers available in… Continue reading Careers In Offshore Wind Power

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Letting The Sun Shine In

If you own or run a business in San Francisco, Marin County, which is typically a sunny area, than you are always searching for ways to cut electricity costs while still running your company efficiently.  With the high rising costs of the electricity and rising cost of oil that it takes to run your business,… Continue reading Letting The Sun Shine In

Categorized as Green

Thinking Of Building A Green Home?

One of the biggest concerns for anyone looking to build, extend or refurbish their home is making sure that their project has a low impact on the environment. Using ethically sourced materials, low carbon footprint building and production methods, and creating sustainable, energy efficient structures are key to building a green home. Let’s look at… Continue reading Thinking Of Building A Green Home?

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Six Celebrities Supporting Solar

Hollywood stars are busy people: constantly on the move, the carbon emissions their flights alone exude in a year eclipses what most people would go through in a lifetime. Knowing this, it’s hardly surprising that many of them choose to offset their carbon footprint by going green in as many other ways as they can… Continue reading Six Celebrities Supporting Solar

Categorized as Green