Bankruptcy is generally used as a means of last resort when consumers face overwhelming debt with no relief in sight. Once you get through the process, your credit report will reflect your filing for a number of years, but will this prevent you from rebuilding your credit and being able to get a car loan,… Continue reading How To Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy
Category: Finance
Signs Of Economic Recovery, But…
Facts and figures are often generally deceiving about almost any subject you can name. Nowhere is this more evident than when talking about the economy. Republicans can find as many reasons to say the present administration isn’t working as Democrats can find to point out the mistakes of the Bush years. Hindsight is a wonderful… Continue reading Signs Of Economic Recovery, But…
Whole Life Insurance Policies: Description, Pros And Cons
In order to satisfy market demands and policy holder concerns, whole life insurance policies were created as an alternative to the original Temporary or term life insurance policies. The biggest advantage to whole life insurance policies is that the plan remains active for the life of the policy holder, as long as yearly premium payments… Continue reading Whole Life Insurance Policies: Description, Pros And Cons
Term Life Insurance: What You Need To Know
Temporary (better known as Term) life insurance is a life insurance policy that covers policy holders for a set period of time in the event of death. If the policy holder passes away during the time frame of an active term life policy, payment of the death benefit is made to the designated beneficiary. Term… Continue reading Term Life Insurance: What You Need To Know
Five Benefits Of Debt Consolidation
For many people in modern society, debt is just a way of life. Easy to get lines of credit and credit cards paired with best intentions for repayment that didn’t quite work out have created scores and scores of debt disasters. That’s why debt solution products are so popular and why so many people are… Continue reading Five Benefits Of Debt Consolidation
Guide To Starting Up A Business On A Small Budget
Guide to Starting Up a Business on a Budget Setting up a business at any time can be a daunting prospect. Setting one up in turbulent economic times represents an even greater challenge but success is certainly achievable, even on a tight budget. Eyes open The key to success starts right at the beginning. Whether… Continue reading Guide To Starting Up A Business On A Small Budget
9 Lessons To Save Your Pain When Buying To Renting A House
Moving house has been listed as one of three most traumatic experiences in life, the other two being marriage and death. Whilst the latter are more traumatic for obvious reasons, one can easily make avoidable mistakes when buying a house or renting a new one. Buying and renting a house are very complex processes, so… Continue reading 9 Lessons To Save Your Pain When Buying To Renting A House
When Buying A New Home, Avoid Over Buying And Under Buying
Overbuying and under buying can each be dangerous for home buyers. Many first time home buyers find that their wants outweigh their budgets, well many second time home buyers (especially in today’s economy) try to be too frugal and end up unhappy with their purchase. Overbuying Many home buyers find the loan amount that they… Continue reading When Buying A New Home, Avoid Over Buying And Under Buying
Why It’s Worth Getting An Accountant
In these tough economic times, people are looking to pinch pennies wherever they can. Whether that means cutting back on entertainment expenses, buying lower-quality food, or skipping the family vacation for a few years, the desire to save cash and build up a nest egg has never been stronger than it has in the last… Continue reading Why It’s Worth Getting An Accountant
Can You Afford To Move Out On Your Own?
Sometimes, the only option we have is to move in with our family or roommates in order to keep mothly bills under control. But this living situation can get old in a hurry. Are you ready to move out on your own? Regardless of your maturity, you have to ensure you can afford the cost… Continue reading Can You Afford To Move Out On Your Own?