Are You A Smart Credit Card User? Here’s A Handy Checklist

Some of the most common credit card advice many people hear entails cutting up the cards and only using cash for items they can afford. While it comes with good intentions, this advice is not practical for the majority of cardholders. Financial experts agree that most individuals are unlikely to part with their credit cards.… Continue reading Are You A Smart Credit Card User? Here’s A Handy Checklist

Categorized as Finance

How To Properly Finance A Car

Few people are going to purchase their car without some sort of financing. You need to be smart when it comes to getting a loan for your vehicle. Salespeople at the dealership are trained to make sure you pay as much as possible. Understanding some basic loan principles will ensure that you get a good… Continue reading How To Properly Finance A Car

Categorized as Finance

Exercise for Your Wallet

There are thousands of studies that have been performed and thousands more that will be performed that show the important of exercise in our daily lives. Experts say that everyone needs at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. The way you get that exercise can vary, because all that really matters is that you… Continue reading Exercise for Your Wallet

Categorized as Finance

The Importance Of Professional Indemnity Insurance For Accountancy Firms

Outlining the need for accountancy firms to have professional indemnity insurance in place and explaining why this is. Professional Indemnity Insurance is the insurance every Accountancy company must have in place.  Indeed a firm should not perform any work without the adequate cover. This insurance protects the company or partnership against claims for financial losses… Continue reading The Importance Of Professional Indemnity Insurance For Accountancy Firms

Categorized as Finance