Get To Know Marvel’s SHIELD Organization

What brings together the top superheroes in the universe? It’s not the good of humanity, nor is it a common enemy. What actually brought Thor, Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Captain America together for the most successful superhero movie of the last two centuries was SHIELD, the mysterious organization represented in all… Continue reading Get To Know Marvel’s SHIELD Organization

Dark Characters In Today’s Entertainment

The television, movies and books of today all seem to be full of strange, almost unreal characters, whether alive or not.  Vampires have become an incredible craze, starting with the Twilight series of books which became a blockbuster T.V. show.  Buffy the Vampire Slayer show is still going strong; lack of plot, characterization and acting… Continue reading Dark Characters In Today’s Entertainment

Fire Alarm! 5 Celebrities That Could Have Used A Fire Safe

The way we treat celebrities these days, it’s no wonder many of them think they have immunity – from standing in checkout lines to obeying the law. Being a celebrity doesn’t mean you don’t have to deal with real-world issues and potential accidents like house fires. These celebrities learned the hard way just how necessary… Continue reading Fire Alarm! 5 Celebrities That Could Have Used A Fire Safe

The 3 Best TV Shows For Engineers And Creative People

Many people think of television as a vast wasteland filled with mindless entertainment and trashy reality shows. However, there is plenty of content for curious and intelligent individuals. Those that like developing new ideas, building, or testing the limits of what is possible will get hooked on the 3 best TV shows for engineers and… Continue reading The 3 Best TV Shows For Engineers And Creative People