How To Begin A College Admissions Essay

Many college applicants have this picture in their minds that the most successful personal statement essay is something that is well-planned, meticulously-strategized, and flawlessly-executed. That is probably true for a small minority of cases. In the cases of the vast majority of college applicants, the personal statement essay is the product of continuous work. Continuous… Continue reading How To Begin A College Admissions Essay

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Accepting A Job, Why You Should Base A Decision On More Than Just Salary

So, after a long and exhausting search, you’ve finally been offered a job on a competitive salary, but before you cancel all your remaining interviews and head to the pub to celebrate you should consider whether or not you have actually found the best role for your skill set. There are a great many of… Continue reading Accepting A Job, Why You Should Base A Decision On More Than Just Salary

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Important Terms On Heart Diseases From AHA

Important terms on heart diseases from AHA Every year, the American Heart Association along with the National Institute of Health, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, and other local agencies come up with the Heart Disease and Stroke Statistical update that includes all important statistics and figures on heart diseases, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. This… Continue reading Important Terms On Heart Diseases From AHA

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Rejected: Tattoos And Job Interviews

Employment Concerns New Leading Trend in Tattoo Removal If you have tattoos that you regret getting, you’re not alone. Current research suggests many individuals who have tattoos, especially ones that are visible while clothed, have come to regret their decision. More recently these regrets stem from a fear of rejection after a job interview. With… Continue reading Rejected: Tattoos And Job Interviews

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