Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? It’s Scanner Man!

In this digital age, there are very few paper-only copies of documents. However, as a whole we still find it strange that we produce work which cannot be physically held, and therefore many companies still produce paper copies. Enter document scanning companies, who will take these old fashioned hard copies of documentation and create from… Continue reading Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? It’s Scanner Man!

Categorized as Business

Have Your White Gloves On During Delivery – Customer Service Matters More Than You May Think

With more customers today reading online reviews to help them in their decision as to whether or not to turn to a business, it’s crucial that businesses deliver only the best customer service.   While not all customers trust online reviews, a significantly high amount of customers do. Results from the 2012 Local Consumer Review… Continue reading Have Your White Gloves On During Delivery – Customer Service Matters More Than You May Think

Categorized as Business

Implement Flexi Time During Olympic Games And Balance Business And Employee Needs

The London Olympic Games will provide businesses with many challenges, particularly with regards to the working hours of employees, and thus the concept of flexi time should be considered. On the one hand, the Olympic Games is an occasion that should be enjoyed by all, and no doubt employees will want to watch their favourite… Continue reading Implement Flexi Time During Olympic Games And Balance Business And Employee Needs

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No Longer A Boys Club – Women And Automobiles

Traditionally a male dominated industry, the auto industry has become more and more open to the participation of female business-people at all levels. As women gradually reach parity with men in the overall economy, they increasingly have secured executive positions in car companies and manufacturing jobs that used to be open only to men. Women… Continue reading No Longer A Boys Club – Women And Automobiles

Categorized as Business

Self-Inflating Tires: How Do They Work?

Self-inflating tires are car tires that are designed to automatically maintain proper tire pressure at the recommended level. However, contrary to what you may have seen in James Bond movies, self-inflating tire systems are actually designed to cope with slow air leaks in the safest way possible while optimizing performance. Most self-inflation tire systems are… Continue reading Self-Inflating Tires: How Do They Work?

Categorized as Business

The Value Of Buying A Franchise

Small business owners are struggling in the slowing economic crisis facing the world today. In order to curtail some of the expense of owning a business and paying for all the supplies and equipment alone, a small business owner should consider buying a franchise. This investment can keep the cost of owning a business down… Continue reading The Value Of Buying A Franchise

Categorized as Business

The Relationship Between Evolutionary Psychology And General Intelligence

The connection, or lack thereof, between evolutionary psychology and general intelligence has been debated among the water coolers of most psychology departments and educational conferences for years. The debate, though heated at times, is alive and well; however, recent research may provide a middle ground and offer a greater understanding of the human brain and… Continue reading The Relationship Between Evolutionary Psychology And General Intelligence

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