Getting discounts from purchases you make for your small business has never been as easy as it is today. Whilst it was almost unheard of a few years ago, web discount coupons are now plentiful if you know where to look. If you want to secure your business some big discounts, sometimes as much as… Continue reading Getting Discounts For Your Company
Category: Business
How To Choose A Web Designer
The importance of working with a reputed web designer to ensure that your website hits the spot with users cannot be overemphasized. Today many companies and businesses have their own websites because they are trying to woo millions of online users. You don’t want your company website to be lost in the crowd so that… Continue reading How To Choose A Web Designer
Tips For Open Plan Office Etiquette
Laughing out loud with a mouth full of food can make working in an open plan office a different experience if you’re not used to big personalities. It can be a lot of fun when these personalities fill the space, however it can also be extremely frustrating. Office etiquette, if followed, can make working with… Continue reading Tips For Open Plan Office Etiquette
How To Safeguard Your Business
In this tough economic climate, more and more businesses are struggling in the face of austerity, forcing small medium and large companies to close their doors or make significant sacrifices to stay afloat. Whist there is no hiding the fact that the UK is experiencing financial difficulty, there is hope for business owners in the… Continue reading How To Safeguard Your Business
A Healthy Business Plan
It is hard work starting a new business, particularly if you are still working a full-time job while getting your start-up off the ground. The hours can be long and it can be dif?cult to ?nd time to get enough sleep, food and exercise. Yet, if like me, your business is centered around selling… Continue reading A Healthy Business Plan
How Virtual Offices Work
Virtual offices can be very useful. They will often help a business save money and make telecommuting a practical option. If you are considering using a virtual office for your business, then you need a solid understanding of how one works. Read on for more information. Components of Virtual Offices Virtual offices have a number… Continue reading How Virtual Offices Work
5 Useful Business Phone Features That Telemarketers Take For Granted
If you’ve been a telemarketer for some time now, you may be so accustomed to the features of your phone that you might be taking them for granted. You might want to get re-acquainted with some of these important features so that you may be able to use them to their full advantage. 1.Management Dashboard… Continue reading 5 Useful Business Phone Features That Telemarketers Take For Granted
Promotional Items That Leave A Mark
With all the advertising possibilities available nowadays certain products and services tend to get lost in the mix and they tend to become background noise. This is not to say the product is not good enough or not positioned correctly, it just means that the promotional tactics are not approached correctly for that product. There… Continue reading Promotional Items That Leave A Mark
What Can I Use Labelling For?
The various uses of labels. Moving home? Running a business? Storing items? Why not purchase labels, they make everything ten times easier, and a lot more organised! Labels are quick and easy to use, they are a different variety of labels that are reliable because they stick to almost everything, and some can last a… Continue reading What Can I Use Labelling For?
Tips For Picking A Business Credit Card
When someone writes a “rags to riches” story about a successful entrepreneur, it’s common for them to mention how the entrepreneur used their personal credit cards to tide the business over until it gained some momentum. While this makes for an interesting story, the reality is that using your personal credit cards for business purposes… Continue reading Tips For Picking A Business Credit Card