In many cases, the marketing budget for the small business owner is close to zero. The limited marketing budget is somewhat concerning to most business owners because they understand the importance of reaching out to potential consumers through a strong marketing campaign. Even with a very limited budget, it is possible for small business owners… Continue reading Smart Marketing Tips For The Small Business Owner
Category: Business
Which Biscuits Guarantee A Successful Business Meeting?
Everyone loves a biscuit, but not everyone knows that biscuits are so much more than biscuits. In the business world, these little nibbles transform into mighty tools for persuasion: If you can learn how to harness their power the right way, I guarantee you success in your life. Image: Slinz0 The hard sell: Digestives Digestives… Continue reading Which Biscuits Guarantee A Successful Business Meeting?
4 Tips For A Safe Working Environment
Photo by Matthew Simoneau. When acquiring a new office one of the first things you do is work out how to best utilize the space within. Shelves can have quite a big role in your space design, but keep in mind that safety comes first. 1. Think Before You Hang It Let’s start with some… Continue reading 4 Tips For A Safe Working Environment
What Makes A Company Good To Work For?
Why that company? There are hundreds of companies in the UK every possible trade, skill and career is available on this massive island of ours. So who do you work for? What makes you want to work for that company? Money? Benefits? Perks? Or is it the feeling of being wanted that makes you go… Continue reading What Makes A Company Good To Work For?
Visual Learners And Busybodies… The Different Types Of Time Managers
Time management seems like a wild dream for many but it really comes down to just a few things: careful planning and some good old fashion focus. Unfortunately, there’s not really a simple recipe (or a complicated one, for that matter!) to help you manage your time. Effective time managers are always different in their… Continue reading Visual Learners And Busybodies… The Different Types Of Time Managers
Residential Rentals Driving Market
The slow pace of sales in the residential real estate marketplace is converting real property sellers to landlords. The renaissance of the letting market has put emphasis on full service real property rental agencies. These agencies provide a number of important services to prepare the property for letting, to show the properties and to consummate… Continue reading Residential Rentals Driving Market
Why More People Are Moving To Houston, TX
Something is happening in Houston, Texas. Over one million people have moved there in the last decade, and the trend shows no sign of reversal. Is there any one aspect of life in Houston that draws people from near and far? Or are there a number of factors that, combined, make Houston irresistible? The answer,… Continue reading Why More People Are Moving To Houston, TX
Five Ways To Use DVDs For Marketing
Most people think of DVDs as a medium to deliver entertainment into homes, but they have applications that expand far beyond movies, television shows and documentaries. Written content has become slightly passe with the advent of high-speed Internet and YouTube, and companies need a way to spread more information than can be contained within short… Continue reading Five Ways To Use DVDs For Marketing
Benefits Of Working With A Large Courier Service
Benefits of Working with a Large Courier Service If you have something to ship, you’re going to have to decide if you should it by mail or with a courier. Mail is usually a less expensive choice, but if you need it to get there quickly or need extra care taken with the package, a… Continue reading Benefits Of Working With A Large Courier Service
The Best Way To Ship To Clients Worldwide
International shipping is a massive industry, and in all likelihood that is never going to change. The way the internet has opened up business to such global proportions means businesses will be getting more and more global customers and clients. And with more global clients comes more international shipping. Even with businesses that don’t… Continue reading The Best Way To Ship To Clients Worldwide