Communicating Through A Medical Business Disaster

When an emergency strikes many small businesses are left reeling from the physical impact to their office spaces and surrounding local areas. However, what can be even more devastating than the damage is the loss of communication that can occur after a disaster. Being unable to communicate with fellow employees, patients, vendors, and insurance companies… Continue reading Communicating Through A Medical Business Disaster

Categorized as Business

How Chewing Tobacco Could Affect Your Life Insurance Rates

Many life insurance companies put people who use chewing tobacco in the same category as people who smoke cigarettes, often resulting in higher life insurance premiums. Most life insurance companies require a physical exam as part of the application process. You must typically submit blood and urine samples at the time of the exam. If… Continue reading How Chewing Tobacco Could Affect Your Life Insurance Rates

Categorized as Finance

The Coolest Accessories For Men

Sporting the most up to date or even the most classic accessories can be a tricky business for the modern man. There is such varied choice and style that getting the look right can be a taxing challenge for even the most accomplished follower of fashion. Follow these guidelines and enter the graceful world of… Continue reading The Coolest Accessories For Men

Categorized as Lifestyle