Steady paycheck is the first thing that every loan offering company check for since it is just like an assurance for them about the fact that the borrower can return the money in time. This can be mainly because of the reason that the lenders always use employment, credit scores, ratios of debt, etc, as the indicator of how trustworthy exactly you are and also whether your account qualifies for sanctioning the loan.
There are many money-lending companies, which offer loans without considering the employment status as one of the important factors. Here are some of such loan types.
No-Documentation Loan
No-Documentation Loan is one of the types of such loans that are offered to people whose income is quite difficult to estimate or who do not earn a monthly income. The loan type is best suited either for people, who are unemployed, self-employed or also for such people, who have alternative income source and yet cannot prove it. The loan type only requires the credit score of the bank account and even unemployed person can get this loan easily sanctioned, unlike other money borrowing types.
No-Ratio Loans
If you own the substantial assets amount and looking for obtaining a loan, then No-Ratio Loan type is the best option. The lenders give importance only for the overall value of your assets and not on the monthly income or steady paycheck in order to check whether you are suitable for borrowing the money or not.
Credit score will always be considered before sanctioning the money for people looking for this type of loan. However, if you succeed in getting this loan type sanctioned, then you can repay the amount without any need to pay as much rate of interest as it is applied in the No-Documentation Loan type.
Income Sources from Alternative Means
If you are legally considered as an unemployed person and yet have an alternate source of income, then providing the proof of that source can help you get the loan sanctioned. The alternative sources may include child support, dividends, and payments from the trust funds or any other such source from where you will receive the income on regular basis.
Know About the Important Factor for the Lender
The lenders only give importance to calculate whether you are capable of returning the amount in time or not than the source of your monthly income. If you have an alternative source that can help you repay the borrowed amount within the limited time duration, then it directly proves that you can repay the ransom without delaying. You can make use of your bank statements, brokerage, tax returns, etc, as the source of your income.
Find a Cosigner
Finding someone, who can be a liable source for applying for a loan, is the best way of convincing the lenders. However, do make sure that your cosigner has a steady source of income, since it is the important factor that every lender takes into consideration while offering you the loan. If you have bad credit ratings, then you can always consider applying for the bad credit personal loans.