The Benefits Of Installing Shutters

When homeowners consider things they can do to improve the livability and value of their homes, they often think of large, difficult, expensive projects. For most people, structural renovations, extensive repairs and landscaping projects top the list. These are good ideas, but there are also less expensive things a homeowner can do to make their home more pleasant for them or for prospective buyers.

One such project is the installation of shutters on all the windows. This small addition can add to the look, comfort and market value of a home in several ways. In addition to being a great cosmetic improvement, shutters serve a practical purpose by allowing homeowners to control the amount of light and heat entering through their windows.

Everyone loves a bright, sunny room, but they have their drawbacks. Sunlight streaming in a window can be blinding and uncomfortably warm. Sometimes a cooler and more subdued light is preferable to keep the place comfortable and produce a relaxed mood.

Comfort and aesthetics are important, but so is saving money. Sunlight brings in a lot of heat, adding significantly to a home’s air conditioning bill. Homes lacking some means of limiting sunlight are money traps consuming more power than they really need. Viewed in this way, shutters are as practical as they are decorative and can provide a big savings over time.

Saving power is good for everybody. The residents will enjoy lower bills and greater comfort, and the entire environment will ultimately benefit from the conservation of power. Once shutters are in place, they require no maintenance except an occasional cleaning. There are few home improvements that are so cheap, easy and beneficial while providing such a big benefit for residents and the entire community.

Prospective home buyers know this. When they look at a house without shutters, they are aware that it will be hot in the summer and will probably need some window treatment. Having shutters already in place removes that objection.

Unlike some home features, this one actually looks good. Other means of controlling temperature, such as air conditioners and heat pumps, involve large, noisy pieces of equipment that must be stashed in closets or concealed by shrubbery. Shutters offer a lot of design potential, since they come in a wide assortment of styles and materials. They contribute to the attractive appearance of the home, boosting curb appeal and providing house shoppers with a positive point that can be seen before they even enter.

Installing shutters is a win-win situation, and it’s hard to think of a reason not to do it. From the standpoint of design, practicality and salability, installing shutters is a good thing for a homeowner to do.

Riverview Shutters are a Perth based company specialising in the design, manufacture and installation of plantation shutters.