Finding Free Training To Become A Certified Nursing Assistant

It may be hard to believe that there really is free certified nursing assistant training offered all over the country. It is true, it is available for anyone that wants to train to be a certified nursing assistant. Many hospitals and nursing schools as well as other medical establishments will offer this free training because, 1, they need you to work for them and 2, it is federal law.

Nursing homes and other establishments within the field of healthcare really need more certified nursing assistants right now. This is due to the nursing shortages seen all around the nation in the recent years. This is also due to the fact that it is slightly difficult to find a qualified applicant to work as a certified nursing assistant in today’s time. there would likely be more people attending training to be a nurse’s aide if they knew that they could get this training for free.

This is why many medical establishments, nursing homes and hospitals will offer the paid training in order to get you to work for them. You can check around to some of your local hospitals and other medical establishments to see if there are any that need your services.

If you are looking for companies that can help you pay for your schooling check out, they have a scholarship for CNA Training.  Also offers a 15,000 dollar scholarship for students.    Lastly check out Minority Nursing Scholarships for more ways to help you pay for your studies.

One other way to get training via the government,  federal law claims that a certified nursing assistant may receive reimbursement for their training if they meet the qualifications set by the government. The requirements are that any person who is employed by a medical establishment or is offered a job by the establishment and will be starting work in the next year, they are able to get their training for free.

The federal regulation that put this law into enforcement comes from the government’s need to set a higher standard of certified nursing assistant training within the communities so that they can improve upon the current standard quality of care to the patients. They are able to control this because it is actually the federal government that is in control of the curriculum that is taught in the nursing aide training schools. Each training program has to be approved before they are validated which means that they are going to have to follow the set standard. Overall, the certified nurse aide and the company makes out better because the aide gets free training and the company gets a better qualified nursing assistant to care for their number one concern, the patients.

Ronald Glass is a professional career counselor in Nebraska.  He loves the nursing field, education, and fly fishing.