6 Resources For Researching Twitter Trending Topics

6 Resources For Researching Twitter Trending Topics

It is important to keep in mind that the Twitter trends differ by location, change frequently, have a short shelf life and are influenced by the time of the day whenever you are researching for the trending contents. The Twitter trends do not represent the trending topics of the larger public but are a representation of the active Twitter users. In case you are conducting research on Twitter trends analysis to engage with the Twitter Community, just know you are on the right track. In case you are researching on the Twitter trends to have knowledge on the topics trending in the industry to market all your target clients; you have to be cautious whenever you are entering the data collected.

Below are some resources that can help you discover trends in Twitter

Twitter Trends

It is possible to locate patterns on the left side of the Me pages, Home, Discover, and Connect. It is possible to find patterns on the Discover page from the app and mobile version of the site.

Trends are usually determined by an algorithm and are tailored depending on your location and what you follow. The algorithm will be responsible for identifying the topics that will become famous rather than the titles that have been popular for some time or a day-to-day basis. For example, the technology brand analysis on Twitter will helptailor the topics that tech and gadget brands’ customers are interested in. To view the trends in a different place, you can always select a new site within Twitter’s advanced search option.


Hashtagify refers to a free tool that enables you to track and search Twitter hashtags. The Hashtagify will prove the best ten related hashtags, definition and recent tweets, top influencers by hashtag, growth by week and month and popularity. The popularity diagram will reveal the top 30 hashtags for the last one month, last week and the latest hashtags.


Hashtags.org is one of the most shared and popular Twitter trend websites displays the best 40 trending topics by growth. You can always make an in-depth research on a particular phrase or hashtag that is related to your industry to have a view of the popularity diagram by time and day.


The Statweestics will reveal the top 500 rankings for the locations, users, words, hashtags and the best 60 languages. By being a hashtag tool, Statweestics will allow you to search keywords.


The Trendsmap refers to an integrative map that will reveal the local and global Twitter trending topics. Several algorithms are usually used in the procession of 80 million tweets on a daily basis to analyze how the topics are trending by location.


Twazzup is much similar to the Statweestics. However, the  Twazzup is a hashtag search tool. You will be able to view the recent tweets, related keywords, web content, influencers, and hashtags. You have to be logged into Twitter to get access to the information and insight.